Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The final of the 2021 Energy Saving Car Contest (KMHE) was officially opened by representatives of the National Achievement Center (Puspresnas), UNESA Chancellor as host and chairman of the committee at the Bung Tomo Gelora Circuit (GBT), Pakal, Surabaya on Tuesday, November 16, 2021. In the final stage As many as 24 teams from various universities will compete for energy-efficient car innovations for the next four days, namely until Friday, November 19, 2021.
In the final round, there were two categories that were contested, namely 1) prototype category and 2) urban category. Each category is divided into four classes. There is a class of gasoline internal combustion engine, a class of diesel internal combustion engines, a class of ethanol internal combustion engines and a class of electric cars. A total of 24 teams will compete for the champion in each class.
The Chair of the Activity Committee, Dr. Agus Hariyanto, M.Kes., stated that KMHE is the right place to spark the imagination of engineering students in presenting various energy-efficient car innovations. According to him, energy issues are quite vital at this time, because it needs a lot of breakthroughs and young people and students must take part in answering these energy problems in an innovative way.
Invite the country's children's innovation lyrics industry
UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes on that occasion appreciated the holding of the event and the central government's trust in UNESA as the host. The KMHE, which has been held regularly for the past few years, has been very effective in presenting innovation as a solution to energy problems at home and abroad.
He suggested that the energy-efficient cars created by students from various regions should not only be contested, determined the winner and then finished. However, it also needs to be followed up to the actual innovation stage or the student's work is realized in the form of energy-efficient car products.
From the results of the competition, for example, inter-campus teams can collaborate to perfect these works. Then it can also be, innovations between teams are then combined with the work of other teams. "Teams should not be contradictory, it's time for collaboration, which ones need to be collaborated, with whom and then developed, that's part of the essence of MBKM," he said. It could also be that the student's design is followed up with a discussion to refine where the weaknesses are and what are the strengths. Then sharpened again according to experts in the field and the industry.
Highlight energy-saving and eco-friendly cars
In addition, he also highlighted the importance of developing car innovation contests from those based solely on energy saving to energy-saving and environmentally friendly contests. It is time for young people to take part in answering crucial and global issues such as energy and the environment. After that was done, he invited the government and industry to look at and accommodate the students' works so that later they could be developed and continued to be implemented in the form of superior domestic products. "The government, campuses, stakeholders must encourage young people to work and accommodate it," he said.
If there is a product or work of the nation's children, it needs to be supported and appreciated. Learning from his experience of visiting Germany, it turns out, the works of students there do not end in determining the champion or campus warehouses, but there are those who facilitate it further, the government, campus and industry take part in it.
Give Final Assignment Relief
For his students who took part in the KMHE final, he promised to lighten the final task. Because, to design the car, it takes time, study and a frame of mind as well as a method that not all students can do. Therefore, as a form of appreciation and motivation, his party also promised scholarships for teams that excel at the national level.
Meanwhile, Puspresnas Representative, Rizal Alfian, M.A., Coordinator of the Pokja Dikti in his speech said that through the KMHE organized by the National Library, the government wants to encourage the creation of a variety of innovations for children throughout the country to answer energy problems. According to him, students and young people have a strong passion, high guts and a burning spirit. It is these potentials that the government accommodates, one of which is through KMHE.
Plan to the automotive technology innovation stage
In addition, most importantly, he continued, Puspernas was only established at the end of 2019, some of the objectives were to develop the achievements and talent management of the nation's children. At the campus level there is a talent development and discovery program. Talents that are captured are then promoted to the learning career stage to continue their studies and achievements and promote students' professional careers.
Student innovation works, will not only be contested, but will also cooperate with partners or industry so that student findings and innovations can be continued to the level of automotive technology innovation. "At least the findings of energy-efficient car technology can be applied in automotive technology and that is our dream in the future, including environmentally friendly cars," he hoped. [UNESA PR]
Reporter: Hasna, et al
Editor: @zam*
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