Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) is collaborating with UNESA in organizing the recruitment of Local Village Assistance (PLD) 2021. This third area recruitment event will be held at UNESA on 6-8 December 2021 at the PPTI Office, Third Floor, Rectorate Building UNESA Tongue Wetan Campus.
The recruitment for the three regions consists of four provinces, namely West Java, Central Java, East Java and Bali. In this activity, PPTI UNESA took part in helping the smooth recruitment session which was held semi-online. After this CBT test, the participants who successfully pass will conduct an interview session for six days.
Achmad Labieb as HR Management Expert, Kemendes PDTT said that his party recruited around 1,741 people throughout Indonesia. while for region three alone, 150 people came from East Java, 147 from West Java, 154 from Central Java and 17 from Bali. "Their task is to empower and facilitate development in the village, from planning, implementation to accountability," explained Achmad Labieb.
"They are the most special level. The spearheads of Memendes are friends in the PLD," he said. In this recruitment, in addition to UNESA, the Ministry of Villages PDTT also collaborated with six other universities in charge of both preparing infrastructure and IT personnel.
He acknowledged the credibility of UNESA as a university in organizing this kind of event, so that it became one of the partners. He also gave a thumbs up for the IT capabilities and the cohesiveness of the UNESA team in recruiting. "Alhamdulillah, as of today, there are no problems and it's safe," he said. He hopes this collaboration can continue in organizing other events and agendas in the future. [UNESA PR]
Reporter: Hasna
Editor @zam*
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