Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - The Lecturer Team from the Vocational and Undergraduate Program in State Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, State University of Surabaya held a digital-based village governance assistance activity in Tlemang Village, Ngimbang District, Lamongan Regency on October 19, 2021.
The chief executive, Yuni Lestari, S.AP., M.AP stated that the village assistance activities were intended to encourage villages to be able to adapt in the new normal era and be able to take advantage of technological advances. In addition, it is also to improve the quality of digital-based village governance and public services.
The mentoring program is packaged in the form of website management training for Tlemang village officials. Yuni Lestari added that the website, desatlemang.org had previously been developed by her and her team according to the needs of the local village government. "To make it easier, we are trying to facilitate making a website for them and later they will just have to manage it," he said on November 11, 2021.
Village officials are not only guided to manage the website, but are also accompanied by how to use it, produce content with data and information that is useful for the local community. "In our opinion, it is time for villages to rise up and take advantage of websites, social media platforms as media for publication, education and socialization," he said.
The assistance which is part of the community service program (PKM) is based on several needs in the field. Tlemang village is geographically far from the administrative center of Lamongan Regency. The limited infrastructure and accessibility to technology, as well as the limited ability of village officials make Tlemang Village difficult to develop a digital-based government system.
On that basis, they provide assistance. For him, digitalization in the public sector is currently a need and demand of the community in the implementation of quality, informative and transparent village government. "Like it or not, ready or not, the government has an obligation to adapt to this digitalization," he said.
He hopes that the mentoring program can help and encourage the Tlemang Village apparatus to provide effective and efficient public services through the adoption of technology. In the long term, village officials can integrate and collaborate with the Lamongan Regency government through related agencies. "Hopefully Tlemang can be a role model for other village governments," he hoped. [UNESA PR]
Author : Unesa PKM Team
Editor : @zam
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