Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The leadership and a number of experts from the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) together with the DPR RI Commission X discussed various issues ranging from education, culture, tourism to youth and sports aspects at the 11th Floor Auditorium of the Rectorate Building, Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya on Monday, April 18 2022.
UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., said that in encouraging progress in various fields it must be supported by coordination and discussion between universities and the DPR. That way, there will be a lot of inspiration and solutions to answer various problems in the field.
"Thank you very much for the working visit of the DPR RI Commission and hopefully from our discussion this will give birth to many ideas and inspirations that are solution-based for the advancement of education, culture, youth and sports towards a healthy, intelligent, competitive and advanced Indonesian society," he said. .
Deputy Chairman of Commission X DPR RI, Dr. Abdul Fikri Faqih, M.M conveyed the aims and objectives of the working visit, including to discuss and accommodate aspirations and input from UNESA experts including the implementation of the National Sports Grand Design (DBON), the National Education System Bill, including the disbursement of funds for the government scholarship program.
“Hopefully in this forum we can discuss and contribute ideas to improve various policies and maximize the implementation of policies that are already running. Our shared roles and concerns will determine the effectiveness and success of programs and policies in the field," he said.
On that occasion, the UNESA Youth and Sports expert team highlighted the implementation of DBON which needed to involve the community. This is because community participation is very important in maximizing the implementation of DBON. Moreover, in the large design of the sport, it also emphasizes the importance of community sports and an invitation to participate in physical activity. Then also the implementation of DBON which needs to be done through special sports classes and good talent management.

Meanwhile, the UNESA Education Expert team, Prof. Dr. Budiyanto, M.Pd., conveyed about the timeliness of disbursement of tuition assistance funds through government programs such as KIP-K. According to him, the program needs to be continued. Various evidences show that the government's tuition assistance program helps improve education in Indonesia. However, it is necessary to evaluate, especially the correlation of learning achievement and educational assistance.
“Our note is that there is a need to improve data accuracy and the problem of timeliness of disbursement of aid funds which only reached 23%. In this case, the government needs to strengthen and add channeling institutions and expand access to aid, including 3T areas," he explained.
The meeting which took place that afternoon was attended by the ranks of Commission X of the DPR RI, the ranks of the senate and UNESA leaders, deans, directors and heads of institutions or units within UNESA. In addition, the UNESA expert team covering the fields of education, culture, tourism, youth and sports, libraries, universities, and LLDIKTI. [UNESA PR]
Author: Nabilla Habibah Al Cholis
Editor: @zam*
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