Every year hundreds of scholars are graduated from Surabaya State University (Unesa) on Thursday (17/2) at the Faculty of Social Sciences (FIS) ) Faculty of Engineering (FT) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Faculty of Education (FIP) Faculty of Sports Science (FIK) in their respective faculties and Faculty of Economics (FE) on Saturday (19/2) in Multipurpose building. Especially for the Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS) and do not perform ceremonial processions in a ceremonial manner. The difference this year is that for the first time FMIPA has graduated ten judicial scholarship in the Science Education program.
The total number of Judicial Judges for the Faculty of Social Sciences is 103 judiciaries FT is 224 Yudisiawan and FBS in the amount of 201 Yudisiawan. Each faculty has selected outstanding students in their fields. They also stated: (1) M. Ali Mashuri (FIS) with a GPA of 3.36; (2) Eva Kristianawati (FMIPA) with a GPA of 3.77; (3) (FIP) Siti Anisa with a GPA of 3.61; (4) Laila Julistiqomah (FE) with a GPA of 3.45; (5) Merry Diah Rakhmayanti (FT) with a GPA of 3.53; (6) David Bayu Krisna Zahara (FIK) with a GPA of 3.52; and (7) Ivany Ratna Ekadini (FBS) with a GPA of 3.64. [PR]