Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-In order to prepare prospective PAUD teachers who are competent, creative and imaginative and able to stimulate children's development, HMJ PG PAUD Universitas Negeri Surabaya held an online training for PG PAUD 2021 with the theme "Unlock Your Potential Power: Various Simple Ways of Storytelling and Creating Interactive AUD Learning Media" on Friday (13/08/2021).
The activity was attended by 250 PG PAUD students from various universities throughout Indonesia. Nita Triutami, the chief executive of the event, said that the training was aimed at motivating and equipping prospective PAUD teachers with educational skills that are in line with the needs and challenges of the 21st century. "It is also hoped that participants will have new insights, experiences, and views on ways to educate early childhood," he said.
Velita Haryaningrum as Chair of HMJ PG PAUD UNESA also said that being a teacher in the 4.0 revolution era was quite challenging. Therefore, prospective teachers must open themselves up to continue to learn and develop themselves so that they have qualified competencies in navigating the swift progress of this century. "Hopefully we will not only become PAUD graduates, but professionals who also have a lot of creativity and excellence both in skills, intellectually, as well as in the form of social and spiritual attitudes and be able to compete in the national and international arena," he hoped.
The Pandamping lecturer, Wulan Patria Saroinsong, S. Psi., Ph.D., appreciated the holding of the event. Where can be a place for sharing inspiration and media innovation and storytelling for the needs of educating early childhood. According to him, being a teacher especially for early childhood has a lot of responsibilities. In addition, early childhood education is an important foundation in the future journey of the nation's children. Therefore, being a teacher must be based on the heart, the intention to serve for the better future of the country's children in the future.
At the training, the organizers presented two resource persons. First, there was Sri Widayati, S.Pd., M.Pd., as a PG PAUD UNESA Lecturer who delivered material related to 'Various Simple Ways of Storytelling'. According to him, the world of children is the world of imagination. With the child's imagination power is still very good, as a parent or educator must be good at directing it in a positive direction and keep it under control. "One way to grow and direct children's imagination is by telling stories," he said.
Then the second speaker was Setya Cendra Wibawa. S.Pd., M.T., also a Unesa Lecturer who delivered material on "Creating Interactive AUD Learning Media". In making interactive AUD learning media, you can use the Glide application. Glideapps is one of the many Builder applications that have a No-Code Application base. In addition, the application has an internal data source for storing application data, namely Glide Tables.
He added that in educating children, educators must understand the world of imagination and the needs of children and the challenges of the future where the child will grow and grow up. "Educate your children or your students according to their times," he said quoting Ali bin Abi Talib.
PAUD students must understand what is needed in the 21st century from the perspective of their respective scientific fields. Most importantly, this century demands collaboration, where PAUD teachers can collaborate with human resources in other fields of science in designing effective and efficient learning media for children. "Learning media must be selected and designed as attractive as possible and in accordance with the level of thinking of children so that the material presented is easy for children to understand," he said. The training event went smoothly and the PG PAUD student participants from various campuses throughout Indonesia were enthusiastic and actively participated during the event. (Unesa Public Relations)
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