Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-In the 2021 New Student Admissions Selection (SPMB), the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) opened new student admissions for the Computer-Based Unesa Entrance Test (TMUBK). The exams include tests of academic potential abilities (TKPA) and scientific/social welfare. Meanwhile, the portfolio is devoted to Sports and Arts study programs. TMUBK is divided into three categories, there are undergraduate TMUBK (S-1), disability TMUBK, and applied undergraduate TMUBK (D-4). For applied undergraduate TMUBK, registration and examinations are opened in two waves.
Head of the UNESA Admissions Unit, Dr. Sukarmin, M.Pd explained, for the first batch of applied undergraduate TMUBK, the exams have been held on July 6-7 2021 and announced on July 9, 2021. For participants who have not succeeded or who have not had time to register in the first wave can register in the second wave. Registration is open until 30 July 2021 and the exam will be held online on 1-2 August 2021, then the results will be announced on 4 August 2021.
Meanwhile, TMUBK for undergraduate and disability categories is held in one format. There are 33 participants on the disability path with various study programs with various objectives. TMUBK for undergraduates and disabilities has entered the written test stage which will begin to be held online on Friday, July 16, 2021. Sukarmin said that the written test will last until July 22, 2021. The test results will be announced on July 26, 2021. “For participants who experience technical problems and unable to take the exam on the first day, it is recommended to take the exam on the second day (Saturday, July 17, 2021, ed)," he said.
For exam participants, added Sukarmin, there are several equipment that must be considered, namely, (1) a PC or laptop equipped with the latest version of the Google Chrome application. Webcam that works well. Stable internet connection and mouse is recommended. Prior to the exam, participants are expected to check and ensure that all equipment is functioning properly. Then there is the time of carrying out the exam which is monitored by the team with a monitoring system by application. So that all fraud is easily detected. "The provisions and procedures have been socialized to participants and if needed, you can check them again on the official UNESA website or social media," he said.
For participants who want to register in the TMUBK path for applied undergraduates (D-4), they can directly visit sipenmaru.unesa.ac.id. (1) create a registration account on the web. (2) obtain a registration account verification email. (3) validate the account by clicking the link in the email inbox/spam, then create a password. (4) login to fill in biodata, paths and study programs and upload document files. (5) lock registrant data. (6) pay the registration fee using the virtual account number at the Partner Bank. (7) print proof of registration through registration account.
The uploaded documents are (a) scanned diplomas or certificates of graduation, (b) scans of semester 1-5 report cards, and certificates of achievement from the principal, (c) scans of evidence of championships in accordance with the specific requirements of the selected pathway, (d) ) Scanned health certificate from doctor, (e) Scanned UTBK value in 2021 (for UTBK pathway participants), (f) Color photo file in JPEG or PNG format with plain background, maximum size 100 kb, dimensions 400 x 600 pixels (4x6 cm) . "Prepare yourself as best you can and the exam will be held on August 1-2, 2021. Congratulations on preparing yourself and hopefully it goes well and gets the results as expected," he said. (Unesa Public Relations)
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