Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya - The prize draw by tracer study that the public have been waiting for since June 2020, has finally been announced on Sunday (22/11) online via zoom and youtube. The winner of tracer study prize is given to alumni of 2018 graduates who have filled out tracer study in July, August and September.
Siti Nurul Hidayati, S.Pd, M.Pd, as the guarantor of tracer study said that tracer study is one of the methods used by several universities in Indonesia to get feedback from alumni needed by universities in their efforts to improve and develop the quality of the education system.
"In addition, tracer studies are also used to map the business world and industry so that the gap between the competencies obtained by alumni during college with the makeup of the working world can be reduced," he said.
Meanwhile, Dr. Agus Hariyanto, M.Kes, Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Alumni added that if the feedback given by alumni to the institution, Unesa will be able to improve so that in the future hope that Unesa graduates after graduating from college can be accepted in the industrial world as well as other world of work.
To be known, the total prizes given to the winners are 1 laptop, 2 smartphones and 15 bags. (fikri)
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