Unesa .ac.id Surabaya - Unesa together with 22 Indonesian Universities joined the guest lecture video conference with the Director General of Learning and Student Affairs Prof. Ismunandar Ph.D. which was held at Pasundan University (UNPAS) Campus 5 Faculty of Postgraduate and Medicine. In the guest lecture Ismunandar conveyed a message from the Minister of Research Technology and Higher Education (Menristekdikti) Mohammad Nasir regarding how to produce competitive graduates in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. The activity that was followed by PPG students in this position was carried out at the Center for Information Technology Development (PPTI) Rectorate Building 3rd floor east wing Unesa Lidah Wetan Campus.
Ismunandar said that if rapid technological developments trigger changes in various things . Starting from the industrial revolution I with the emergence of advanced technologies then followed by the development of electricity in the era of industrial revolution II followed by the computerization system in the era of the industrial revolution III and now we are facing the industrial revolution IV which all internet-based systems.
& ldquo; Going forward we will be friends with robots & rdquo; he said.
Nevertheless Ismunandar stressed that the role of teachers is still very important in particular to provide good education for future generations. Therefore universities must also be able to evaluate their study programs in order to create graduates who are competent in their fields. In the future research is demanded to be realized into new innovations in order to keep pace with the increasingly rapid development.
& ldquo; The point of the industrial revolution 4.0 is that all internet. Responding to it all the Minister advised us to always improve the quality of graduates build a university system that is able to respond to it all & rdquo; added Ismunandar. (ay)
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