Unesa team and teachers after psychoeducational training at the Jeddah Indonesian School (SIJ).
Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The Community Service Team (PKM) of Surabaya State University (Unesa) held a psychoeducation training program for teachers at the Indonesian School Jeddah (SIJ) Saudi Arabia, on September 27, 2024.
The Unesa PKM team, chaired by Mochammad Nursalim, is themed 'Digital Awareness through Psychoeducation'. The Dean of the Faculty of Education (FIP) explained that this PKM aims to improve the competence of teachers to keep up with the latest technology, so that teachers can provide the best quality of learning for students.
The psychoeducational training includes adaptive and responsible use of technology; understanding the positive and negative impacts of social media; and improving digital safety and ethics skills.
Wulan Patria Saroinsong, a lecturer at the Faculty of Education (FIP), delivered a presentation on how to use social media with time management. She said that using social media for too long can cause stress which allows other psychological disorders to emerge.
For adults, the use of social media should not exceed 5 hours, but it also depends on their work, how important social media is for their work. While for children, it should not be more than 2 hours.

Handover of souvenirs from the Unesa and SIJ teams.
“Hopefully, from this training, teachers can manage their time related to the needs on social media so that social media activities can bring positive things. And when they already know this, hopefully it can be implemented to their students to understand the proper use of social media,” he explained.
In this training, pre-test and post-test were also conducted. The pre-test results that have been conducted to teachers at SIJ have shown an average score of digital awareness understanding of 77.3%. Then after this training, the post-test results increased to 82.7%.
This result shows the effectiveness of the training in improving teachers' understanding of digital safety, online ethics, and the use of technology to support learning.
“This training is able to increase the digital awareness of teachers at SIJ. However, further training is recommended to support more complex and sustainable mastery of technology,” he concluded.[]
Reporter: Fatimah Najmus Shofa (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: PKM Unesa Team
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