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Unesa.ac.id - Surabaya Today (8/7) Unesa holds the opening of the EduCars 2011 program. EduCars 2019 is a program offered by Unesa to international partners in which there are three thematic sub courses on batik metal crafts and wood. Not only that this activity also combines Indonesian language courses traditional music and dance classes cooking Indonesian special food with unique ingredients and equally important visiting the communities and tourist attractions in Surabaya.
Attended by 7 international students (Huang Shihan and Shaweu Yang from UTK Thailand Wang Danyu and Song Lingyu from CCNU China Valerie and Jair Domingo from TAU Philippines and Mark Cuntapay from Philippine High School) and 4 Unesa students this activity will last for five days to come starting from the 8th July 12 2019.
The opening took place on the 8th floor of the Rectorate Building the Tongue Wetan Campus attended by Dr. Sujarwanto M.Pd. as Vice Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation Tsuroyya SS MA as Chair of the Unesa International Office (KUI) and its staff and 3 students who will assist during the program.
In his remarks Sujarwanto welcomed the collaboration program with international partners such as EduCars. In the future it is hoped that this kind of activity will become an annual program that can bring positive impacts both for foreign students and for Unesa students themselves. Not to forget at the end of his speech Sujarwanto also expressed his prayer that the event which will last for five days can run smoothly and participants can enjoy the activities offered by the EduCars 2019 program.
& ldquo; Welcome to the Program Summer Camp. Hopefully you can enjoy this program. Hopefully this activity will run smoothly & rdquo; he concluded. (ay)
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