unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–In the midst of the heavy influence of social media and gaming among students, BK teachers have quite a challenging role. Therefore, BK teachers must continue to develop themselves and competencies on a regular basis. One way to encourage the improvement of the quality of guidance and counseling teachers in the regions is through trainings such as those conducted by the Department of Guidance and Counseling, Faculty of Education, State University of Surabaya (UNESA).
The Guidance and Counseling Department of UNESA in collaboration with MGBK MTs and MA in Probolinggo Regency held training in the preparation of BK programs and addiction counseling. The training was held offline while still adhering to health protocols at the Skills Building, MAN 2 Probolinggo Regency on Saturday (09/10/2021).
The training is part of the community service program initiated by the Dean of FIP UNESA, namely Dr. Mochamad Nursalim, M.Sc., and Bambang Dibyo Wiyono, S.Pd., M.Pd. The training activity was attended by the Head of the Ministry of Religion of Probolinggo Regency, Dr. Akhmad Sruji Bahtiar, M.Pd.I. along with members of MGBK MTs and MA Probolinggo Regency.
During the training, Bambang Dibyo Wiyono stated that the world of education, especially in the field of guidance and counseling during the pandemic, underwent a transformation. From what previously tended to be done face-to-face and the pandemic period was 'forced' online.
According to him, BK during the pandemic was "difficult and easy". The challenge is not only the skills of teachers but also the infrastructure. "During this pandemic, there are still schools that never use Google Meet, maybe they don't use WA for counseling services, I can't imagine if the counseling was done online," he said. BK both offline and online must be based on program planning and design.
In designing BK programs, teachers must really understand the needs in the field, the characteristics of students and the factors that hinder the development and growth of students as a whole. "Now there are a lot of addictions, students play cellphones for days, social media and even worse, gaming with expressions that tend to be rude and so on," said Mochamad Nursalim.
According to him, BK teachers must understand the situation, then find a solution to overcome it, what approach is effective so that students can continue to grow and develop well. The task of the teacher, of course, does not necessarily prohibit students from playing cellphones, but how to direct students to utilize cellphone technology and applications for learning needs and useful activities. To get there, it takes effective counseling with an attractive approach from BK teachers.
He hopes that, through the training, participants will be able to improve their skills as competent and professional BK teachers. Both in the preparation of BK programs and during addiction counseling in schools. "The role of BK teachers is very important, therefore BK teachers are required to be adaptive, sensitive, creative and solutive," he said. [UNESA PR]
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