Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-The State University of Surabaya (UNESA) has collaborated with various domestic and foreign campuses through student and lecturer exchange programs, research and publications as well as other programs. This time, UNESA signed a virtual MoA for Laboratory Management Information System (SIMLAB) with the University of Newcastle, Australia on Monday (16/08/2021).
The event was attended by Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd., Vice Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation, Dr. Mochamad Nursalim, M.Si Dean of FIP, Drs. Mintoharjo, M.Pd Head of PGSD S-1 Study Program and his staff. Meanwhile, the University of Newcastle was attended by Professor John Fischetti as Pro-Vice Chancellor, College of Human and Social Futures, Professor Susan Ledger as Dean and Head of School of Education, College of Human and Social Futures, and Frank Agbola as Assistant Dean of Asia Pacific Engagement. , College of Human and Social Futures (CHSF) UoN.
In his remarks, Sujarwanto explained that the partnership between UNESA and CHSF UoN began with face-to-face communication between representatives from both parties in discussing various programs. The communication resulted in the signing of the SIMLAB implementation agreement with the Faculty of Education, and then participating in webinars and research.
“SIMLAB is making good progress. We are happy to announce that although it has been used in Elementary Teacher Education regularly, we will expand the use of SIMLAB to other faculties in Unesa,” he said. He also added that the use of SIMLAB itself has entered its third year, which will later be planned to be used by other partner universities, in which Unesa will lead.
This is a joint first step between Unesa and CHSF UoN to advance the world of education and science through SIMLAB and other collaborations from both parties. “I hope that through the partnership between Unesa and the University of Newcastle's College of Human and Social Futures, we can be the best people who can benefit others.” he concluded. (Hasna)
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