Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Brotherhood must continue to be strengthened, friendship must continue to be improved. That is what the ranks of the Faculty of Education (FIP) of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) did through the Halalbihalal event which was held offline and online last week (Saturday, May 14, 2022).
The event was attended by all levels of the academic community, including those around FIP. Also present were the Vice Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation, Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd and as tutors were present at the Surabaya Al-Jihad Islamic Boarding School and the East Java Nahdlatul Ulama (PWNU) Regional Board, Dr. KH. Syukron Jazilan, M.Ag.
Dean of FIP, Dr. Mochamad Nursalim, M.Sc., said that the success of an institution or organization is also determined by the atmosphere and the quality of the interaction of the people in it. Healthy interactions and based on shared passion to build a quality work atmosphere and achieve common targets are very much needed in an institution. Especially for UNESA which is one step away from PTN-BH.
"Although there are still restrictions. However, the relationship must still be done. I am grateful for this condition and do not reduce the value of togetherness. After this Ramadan we must improve our relationship to Allah and to humans," he said.
"Let's together maintain friendship and strengthen brotherhood towards advanced and superior faculties. Hopefully what we do, what we target and hope to achieve can be achieved together towards a more advanced and accomplished UNESA. May all our deeds be accepted by Allah SWT and we are among the pious servants," he said.
On that occasion, Kiai Syukron Jazilan conveyed the importance of forgiving and trusting each other as well as spaciousness of heart. According to him, apologizing and forgiving does feel heavy. However, the rewards are also great for those who can and sincerely do it.
“It's important to have compassion and forgiveness for each other. A clean and wide heart is happy and lightens life. With a pure heart, the Faculty of Education is getting more and more achievements and UNESA is becoming a good university, continuing to advance and excel. May we all be in the protection of Allah SWT in this world and in the hereafter," he said. [UNESA PR]
Author: Madina
Editor: @zam*
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