Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–Student Affairs and Alumni Affairs UNESA held a Training of Trainers (ToT) on Thursday, (11/18/2021) in the 11th Floor Auditorium Room, UNESA Rectorate Building, Lidah Wetan Campus. The event was attended by lecturers accompanying the PKM program in eight fields surrounding UNESA. As a presenter as well as a viewer, Dr. Bandung Arry Sanjoyo, M.Ikom and Suherman, S, Si., M.Sc., Ph.D.
PIC PKM, Dr. Sifak Indana, M.Pd said that TOT is an effort to prepare lecturers to understand the PKM proposal upload system. In addition, it also inspires lecturers to continue to improve the quality and creativity of PKM from students. “Starting this year, lecturers are also prepared so that it fits well, between lecturers and students. Proposals are of higher quality because of the intervention of the lecturers," he explained.
The UNESA PKM in 2021 has made a lot of progress, including in terms of numbers, UNESA sent 911 proposals, 47 of which managed to get central funding and 8 teams managed to walk to PIMNAS. In the PIMNAS event, UNESA was ranked 11th nationally. He hopes to improve the quality and quantity of PKM proposals in supporting achievements.
Bandung Arry Sanjoyo stated, both lecturers and students must be observant in seeing the trends that are developing as the basis for developing creativity and innovation as a distinguishing feature of PKM students and other campuses. He emphasized that the trend of PKM is always changing. "Look for something different and creative," he said.
Meanwhile, Suherman, said, the pattern of PKM development from one field to another is different. Because it cannot be beaten evenly and equally. In correcting the PKM proposal, he continued, it is necessary to involve students whose proposals have already passed as well as those who have competed in the PIMNAS event. "They are collected and included in the TOT as well," he said.
Students who have passed and been funded as well as those who have competed in PIMNAS need to be accommodated to help improve the quality of other student proposals. The container can be in the form of a PKM Center.
From various inputs from presenters, Sifak Indana stated that he would continue to improve the quality of student PKM, one of which was as suggested by viewers, namely collaborating with all PIMNAS graduates to enter the PKM Center. He hopes that this activity can better prepare for PKM 2022. “We prepare lecturers and we also prepare students. We work together to maintain the rankings and even need to be improved,” he concluded. [UNESA PR]
Author: Hasna
Editor: @zam*
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