Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - The State University of Surabaya (UNESA) held a Training of Trainers (ToT) for lecturers who support MBKM Thematic KKN courses in order to socialize changes to the MBKM KKN curriculum structure and RPS training for KKNT courses, online on Saturday, 19 February 2022.
The activity was attended by the Head of the MBKM Unit, Dr. Muhammad Sholeh and Head of the Institute for Learning and Professional Development, Dr. Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri M.Pd. The event opened with a discussion on the types of KKN, the flow of KKN, templates for KKN, and also about the dynamics of KKN by Dr. Nurkholis, M.Pd.
Then continued with the socialization of the MBKM KKN curriculum structure by Dr. Syamsul Sodiq, M.Pd. Syamsul said that the KKN courses held at UNESA had various themes, including teaching assistance, projects in villages, independent projects, humanitarian projects and entrepreneurship projects.
"In addition to KKN activities, we are familiar with program planning courses, device development courses, program implementation, program evaluation, program discipline and report development," he explained.
He added that the MBKM KKNT curriculum had several changes from the previous curriculum which only weighed 3 credits and involved a field supervisor (DPL). KKNT MBKM is taken with 20 credits and involves lecturers who teach courses.
This time the KKNT was also divided into 6 courses, namely, KKNT Designing a Program, KKNT Developing Tools, KKNT for Program Development, KKNT for Program Dissemination, KKNT for Monitoring and Evaluation, and KKNT for Report Development. The KKNT activity with details of the 6 courses is a curricular activity so that it is supervised by the lecturer in charge of the course.
“DPMK teaches derivative courses from KKNT activities with an online mode and students take them online from the KKNT location. In practice, in addition to DPMK, in the field there are DPLs that accompany students offline. DPMK is responsible for the subjects taught, while DPL is responsible for student groups at KKN locations that they mentor offline,” he explained.
Through these activities, lecturers who support KKN MBKM courses are expected to be ready to do their best for KKNT students so that students have no difficulty in carrying out their mandate of community service through empowering groups or communities with various themes. "Hopefully UNESA, both lecturers and students can give the best for the village and its people," he hoped. [UNESA PR]
Editor: @zam*
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