Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA), through the Directorate of Innovation, Ranking and Scientific Publications held The 1st International Conference on SDGs and Bibliometrics Studies (ICOSBI) at Ciputra World Hotel Surabaya, on Tuesday, 3 October 2023.
The conference with the theme "Empowering the Sustainability of Higher Education Institutions Toward Green Digital University" was attended by a number of speakers from various campuses as well as domestic and foreign partners.
As keynote speaker, present, 1) Assoc. Prof. Dr. M Faizal bin Abdul Ghani, Ph.D., from University of Malaya, Malaysia; 2) Bondan Winarno, Vice President of Health, Safety, Security, Environmental, PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas; 3) Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.M., MSc., Chair of UI GreenMetric.
Apart from that, also present online, 4) Prof. Arjen Wals, expert in Transformational Learning for Ecological-Social Sustainability from Wageningen University, Netherlands; and 5), Bagus Putra Muljadi, Ph.D., from the University of Nottingham, UK.
UNESA Deputy Chancellor for Research, Community Service, Innovation, Publications and Rankings, Junaidi Budi Prihanto, S.KM., M.KM., Ph.D., said, this forum is a forum for the academic community academics to contribute and support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
SDGs are a common concern and there are many things that can be done to make them happen, such as through scientific discussions, exchange programs, dissemination and publication of research results related to SGDs.
"Current challenges can only be faced with collective collectiveness with the global academic community. Research and input in this forum not only contribute to increasing the achievements of SDGs and Bibliometrics, but also to inspire society in the future.
In the material session, Prof. Riri Fitri Sari spoke about the sustainable empowerment of higher education towards a green digital university. There are several global focuses related to SDGs, namely climate change, environmental degradation and social inequality.
In addition, SGDs are a central framework for overcoming various challenges. According to him, universities must align their mission with the SDGs and recognize their important role in these challenges.
"For universities, there is "There are several ways to achieve SGDs, namely through research and innovation, education and awareness, community involvement, and policy influence," explained the woman who won the 2022 Habibie Prize.
She continued, green digital university is a concept that combines two crucial elements, sustainability and digitalization. Green digital university makes sustainability a core value while utilizing digital innovation to improve the quality, accessibility and efficiency of education.
Meanwhile, Prof. Arjen Wals highlighted the role of higher education in preventing social ecological collapse, especially regarding the university's comprehensive approach towards (sustainable) institutional transformation.
"Climate conditions now must be a concern for us all over the world, including university academics. Geothermal temperatures are increasing, when rain floods everywhere. Several generations are experiencing very drastic differences in hot temperatures," he said. .
According to him, education is a potential or way to improve the earth. However, before that there needs to be a transformation of the education system that leads to efforts to increase awareness and actions that are environmentally and earth-friendly.
"What is education and learning used for? There are at least three functions of education, namely the functions of eco-socialisation, eco-qualification and eco-subjectification," he explained.
Still in the same session, Bondan Winarno explained about the green digital university, which emphasized the transformation of the strategic role of universities which includes education, transportation, water, waste, energy and climate change as well as conditions and infrastructure. .
Present at this activity, the Deputy Governor of East Java, Dr. H. Emil Elestianto Dardak, B.Bus., M.Sc; UNESA leadership ranks; Director of Innovation, Ranking and Scientific Publications and UNESA environmental directorate staff, and experts from a number of universities. [*]
Reporter: Nabilla Habibah
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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