Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya - Surabaya State University through the Faculty of Language and Arts and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law again held the International the 2nd International Conference on Cultural Studies and Applied Linguistics (ICCSAL) webinar on Saturday (02/10/2021). The webinar discussed Critical Issues in Languages, Arts, and Social Sciences: Pride, Legacy, and Modernity.
The speakers who attended were Prof. Greg Kessler, Ph.D., Innovative Learning and Design Technology, Ohio University, USA, and Prof. Slamet Setiawan, Ph.D., from the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, UNESA. While the moderator is Pratiwi Retnaningdyah, M. Hum., M.A., Ph.D..
Lina Purwaning Hartanti, S.Pd., M.EIL. as the chief executive of the event stated that the event was aimed at facilitating cross-disciplinary academics and researchers to share and discuss together about the latest issues. In addition, this forum is also to expand networks for academics and researchers as well as facilitate academics, researchers and writers in developing scientific publications.
He hopes that similar conferences can grow bigger and even raise a lot of the latest issues. Then it can provide support to new academics and researchers in various disciplines to further develop science.
Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd. as the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs in his speech stated that the conference was a strategic forum for scholars, artists, academics, and practitioners to share thoughts and perspectives across fields. "That way, there will be many great academics in the future who are like the late. Prof. Budi Dharma. He has passed away, but we hope to grow a thousand more equal to and even more than him," he said encouragingly.
Prof. Greg Kessler, Ph.D. on that occasion discussed 'Innovations in Technology, Pedagogy, and Language Learning'. According to him, changes in time will be accompanied by changes in needs which are also required to be more effective. In this era, it is necessary to use social media as a fun and effective learning tool.
One of the functions of social media can be as a means of promoting language learning to ordinary people so that they are more interested in learning and using language properly and correctly. Greg also highlighted the use of various technologies and various interesting things today can be a way to provide a fun experience in learning languages.
Prof. Slamet Setiawan, Ph.D. sharply highlighted the phenomenon of slang which often mixes foreign languages with local languages, even Indonesian. This phenomenon can be seen on various social media, especially among young people. "The language used by the younger generation today is too much for me," he said.
In addition, this kind of phenomenon can cause pride in using regional and national languages to become important to be investigated again. “Youth recognize that social and traditional factors trigger them to choose different languages. However, many young people still maintain their pride in the regional language as an ancestral heritage, but at the same time they also want to show modernity in using English in social media,” he explained. (Hasna)
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