Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-The blood supply at the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) in Surabaya is running low, while the need for blood is getting higher. Therefore, the Unesa KKN Division in collaboration with the Crisis Center Mitigation Unit (SMCC) held an “Humanitarian Blood Donation” activity on Wednesday (24/03/2021).
Taking place at the Rector's Lobby, Lidah Wetan, the blood donation activity will last until April 13. Head of the Unesa KKN Division Dr. Nurkholis, M.Pd., said that the target of the blood donor program was the students participating in the 2021 Unesa KKN. However, there are also opportunities for all other Unesa academics who want and are willing to donate.
Meanwhile, Head of the SMCC Covid-19 and Health Mitigation Division, Dr. dr. Endang Sri Wahjuni, M.Kes., Explained that the KKN and SMCC Unesa team collaboration program was to contribute to helping PMI Surabaya City get a supply of blood to make it easier for people in need.
"This program was immediately welcomed by the Unesa students who are currently running the KKN program. They want to participate and together help PMI, "said the lecturer at the Faculty of Sports Science, Unesa.
He added that those who wanted to donate could directly go to the blood donation stand at the Lobby of Lidah Wetan Unesa's Rector. Especially for KKN students, they can go directly to the location and fill out the form. For those who have not been able to come to the location, they can fill in the form online first and at the donor's direct location.
Endang is optimistic that many students and academics will participate and donate blood to people in need. "There is support from students who have joined as volunteers who are ready to succeed the activities we have planned for 3 weeks," he explained.
The time for the blood donation is quite long compared to the blood donation program in general, which only lasts a day or a few days. This is based on the consideration of the number of KKN students in each region. "Not all students can go directly to the campus, either because they are busy with the KKN program, or travel and accommodation, because of that we give it quite a long time," added dr. Endang.
These activities, continued Endang, will continue to be evaluated. PMI target, every day to receive 50 bags of blood. This activity also received direct support from the Unesa leadership. Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., Rector of Unesa appreciated this. Students who take part in the blood donation program are planned to be converted as KKN scores. The goal is to appreciate and appreciate sacrifice and motivate students to always be enthusiastic about sharing with others.
"Hopefully more than 50 percent of KKN students can be registered as donors in this activity to help others," he hoped. "We want to show that Unesa cares for others and Unesa is one step ahead," he concluded. (Suryo / Zam)
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