Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – Unesa's Crisis Center Mitigation Unit (SMCC) held emergency first aid training (PPGD) at the Faculty of Education building in Unesa on Friday (03/19/2021). The target of the training is SMCC volunteers to be agile and ready to jump at the disaster site.
PPGD is routinely held by SMCC to provide regular briefings and continuously improve the skills of volunteers in performing volunteer functions at disaster points. Starting from post-disaster mitigation, evacuation, and psycho-education skills.
In ppgd this time, there were three speakers, namely Dr. dr. Endang Sri Wahjuni, M.Kes., Dr. Ega and Mauren Gita Miranti, S.Pd., M.Pd. The speakers discussed about general kitchen standards and nutrition, first aid in accidents (first aid), mild treatment procedures, and basic life support.
Such training, is not only done theoretically, but also equipped with practice. Hopefully, when the volunteers come down to the field immediately can show action. In addition, the volunteers also received training on direct assistance such as not to panic, pay attention to vital signs and put the surviving victims first.
Then also practice the initial handling of the victims of the disaster before being taken to the hospital or medical personnel at the site. "Volunteers should be able to provide first aid, before being taken to the hospital or medical," said dr. Endang.
The training is important. Because, many volunteers come from students. They come from a variety of backgrounds and certainly not all have the knowledge and ability to handle victims and face disasters or post-disasters. With the PPGD, the volunteers become ready and agile when at any time plunge to the disaster site.
In addition to first aid, the needs of refugees in refugee camps are also important. One of the important highlights for the volunteers of course is the nutritional adequacy of banana victims in the refugee camps that are all deficient.
Mauren Gita Miranti said that the communal kitchen has a function to provide food for those affected by the disaster. He added that the preparation of food menus at the evacuation site is different than usual, because it has limitations both from ingredients and conditions. Nevertheless, the food menu must still meet the nutritional standards of the refugees in order to stay healthy.
"Our hope is to provide supplies for the volunteers. So that later the volunteers can work well, and professionally and can provide maximum assistance for the victims of disasters or those in need," he concluded. (khusnul/hasna/zam)
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