Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA – Surabaya State University (UNESA) commemorates National Awakening Day (Harkitnas) by holding ceremony on Monday, May 20 2024 in the Rectorate Lobby of Lidah Wetan Campus 2, Surabaya. This ceremony carried the theme "Rise Up for a Golden Indonesia" which was attended by the deputy chancellors and all academic community officials around UNESA.
As the ceremony supervisor, Deputy Chancellor III for Research, Innovation, Ranking, Publications and the Science Center. Dr. Bambang Sigit Widodo, M.Pd., delivered remarks from the Minister of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia, Budi Arie Setiadi, S.Sos., M.Sc.
On the 116th anniversary of National Awakening Day, 20 May 2024 , Indonesian society is in the second phase of awakening, continuing the spirit of revival that was shaken by the nation's previous founders.
"Now is the time for us to face various new challenges and opportunities related to advances in information technology which are the markers of a new era," he said.
p>This commemoration is not just ceremonial, but conveys the meaning of the history of the revival that was embraced by our predecessors. More than a century ago, precisely on May 20 1908, the Budi Utomo or Boedi Oetomo organization was born, which became the initial seed for the nation's ideals in realizing the independence of the Republic of Indonesia.
Boedi Oetomo became a symbol of the national awakening that is being commemorated. This organization began with a number of doctors and prospective doctors in Batavia who came together to establish a modern organization. Many people put their hopes in this organization as a form of independence movement in the Dutch East Indies.
Vice Chancellor III Research, Innovation, Ranking, Publication and Science Center Sector UNESA reminds of the spirit of revival and the need for technological adaptation.
Budi Utomo became the starting place for people to learn and debate many things, such as the importance of western education for the people of the Dutch East Indies and all levels of society regardless of whether they were priyayi or not. native people. The struggle to advance Javanese culture expanded into a political struggle to expel the Dutch colonialists. The expansion of the ideals born by Boedi Oetomo reached its peak in the proclamation of Indonesian independence.
The Budi Utomo Organization considers that education is a vehicle for liberating humans as well as liberating the nation from the shackles of colonialism. The embryo of Indonesia was born from the diversity of thoughts of young people as a generation of the nation, in the hands of educated young people the ideals of independence and freedom were formulated and fought for.
The realm of independence can only be achieved if humans are equal and free, humans who are free and equality is only possible if the human being is educated and educated. Awakening is a sign of the birth of a new era, a new way of thinking, a spirit of national revival formulating independence as a vehicle for sovereignty and human glory.
Indonesia's demographic bonus must be managed with wisdom, one of which is the adoption of digital technology. The level of internet penetration in Indonesia has reached 79.5% of the total population, this is reinforced by the potential of the ASEAN digital economy which is estimated to skyrocket to 1 trillion U$ Dollars in 2030.
Exemplary does not have to be linked to the past, but it can be linked to the future, namely to ideas that open up space for the imagination of civilization. Let's celebrate this second national awakening towards a golden Indonesia.[]
Reporter: Mochammad Ja'far Sodiq (FIP)
Photo: Documentation of the Directorate of Public Relations and Public Information Team
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