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Unesa.ac.id - Surabaya Faculty of Engineering (FT) Unesa holds a halal bihalal title with professors lecturers education staff students and retired in the E1 Auditorium on the 3rd floor (13/06). The activity began with the reading of the Koran surah Ali-Imran: 102 s.d. 103 and Ibrahim: 7 by students of the PKK Department Ainur Rosyidah and Radik Woro Dinalar also brought Ustaz Dr. KH. Ahmad Imam Mawardi M.A. lecturer at Sunan Ampel State Islamic University (UINSA) who is also a caregiver at Alif Lam Mim Islamic Boarding School in Surabaya to fill tausiyah.
In his speech Dr. Maspiyah M. Kes. As the Dean of the FT expressed his gratitude to the invitation for taking the time to attend the halal bihalal event. Not to forget Maspiyah also conveyed congratulations on Eid al-Fitr to the invitees remembering that the moment was still thick with the Eid atmosphere. "The moment of Eid is still felt I wish you a happy Eid al-Fitr 1440 H apologize physically and mentally. Thank you to all who have attended this halal bihalal event & rdquo; he said.
In this activity there was also the transfer of compassion to the retired FT students as a form of appreciation for their dedication to the progress of the department and faculty. Submission of this compassion was given directly by the dean while for educational assistance was handed over by the Chairperson of the Dharma Wanita FT Unesa Istiowati Agus Wiyono (Wife of the Deputy Dean for General and Finance FT Unesa).
The event was followed by tausiyah by Ustaz Mawardi. In his tausiyah Ustaz Mawardi discussed the 5 things that exist in life that is everything will change something that is always in accordance with the plan hurts part of life life is not always fair and loyalty is not always a person. The event then continued with suave accompanied by entertainment. (sh
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