Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – Universitas Negeri Surabaya continues to be committed to provide the best service to facilitate student lecture activities and provide the best performance so that Unesa soon becomes PTN-BH. One of the things Unesa does is add new human resources (HR) that are competent and superior. There were as many as 82 new civil servants who received Unesa and carried out the swearing-in of unesa new educators on Friday (9/4/2021) in the Auditorium on the 11th Floor of rectorate building Unesa Lidah Wetan.
The event was attended by Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes. (Rector of Unesa), Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Suprapto, S.Pd., M.T., Vice Rector for General affairs and Finance, and Dr. Agus Hariyanto, M.Kes as Vice Rector for Student affairs and Alumni, and Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd., Vice Rector for Planning and Cooperation, Director of Postgraduate, dean of Unesa, Head of BAKPK, and head of BUK.
Civil servants who were sworn in came from various faculties. Faculty of Education as many as 5 people, Faculty of Language and Arts as many as 12 people, Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences as many as 4 people, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences as many as 8 people, Faculty of Engineering as many as 26 people, Faculty of Sports Sciences as many as 10 people and faculty of economics as many as 17 people.
Rector Unesa said in his speech that their task is to serve the community, provide the best for students and the entire academic community of Unesa. He also reminded that being a civil servant or ASN does not mean that it can be arbitrary in using power, there is a responsibility that must be borne for mutual progress, especially for students and the community.
In his speech, Rector Unesa again encouraged the employees to continue the education level, even to foreign countries. Unesa provides support for educators who want to continue their higher education.
The signing of the decree represented by Ahmad Wachidul Kohar, S.Pd., M.Pd., and L. Endah Cahya Ningrum, S.Pd., M.Pd. witnessed by Dr. Madlazim, M.Si., Dean of FMIPA and Dr. Maspiyah, M.Kes., Dean of FT. "Unesa this year is making leaps to become PTN-BH, I hope the brothers after this oath, Monday has docked to the respective faculties. Because your energy is needed for the progress of Unesa, society, nation and country," concluded rector. (Hasna)
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