Unesa .ac.id - Surabaya the Institute for Development Learning and Quality Assurance (LP3M) held a "PPG Orientation in Phase 2 Position" rdquo; in the 9th Floor Auditorium PPG Building. Previously this activity had been held on Monday June 24 2019. This activity looked lively with the presence of teachers from various provinces in Indonesia. The program began by singing Indonesia Raya which was followed by all participants followed by a report from the Chairperson of LP3M Unesa Dr. H. Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri M.Pd. (3/7). Later the participants will take part in a performance program and knowledge test which will end on August 29 2019. Also present in this activity Drs. Martadi M.Sn. as Chair of the Educational Professional Development Division Dr. Syamsul Sodiq M.Pd. as the Chairperson of the PPG Center and Drs. Fatkur Rohman Kafrawi M.Pd. as PPG Central Secretary.
This activity was attended by approximately 396 participants who were divided into 2 groups namely 132 Special Regional Teachers (Gurdasus) who had fulfilled the requirements and were appointed by regional governments to attend namely from the regions of East Nusa Tenggara West Kalimantan Central Kalimantan South Kalimantan East Kalimantan North Kalimantan Southeast Sulawesi Papua West Papua and West Sulawesi. While the second group consisted of 264 Teachers in Position (Daljab) who came from East Java Central Kalimantan Bali and West Nusa Tenggara. In this case facilities for Daljab are already supported by the internet and online lectures while for Gurdasus must participate in all activities on campus due to limitations in geographical situations and information technology.
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto M.Pd. in his speech said that if one of the divisions in LP3M was strengthening the teaching profession through PPG. "The main key is trust and confidence. So believe that Unesa is able to take the participants to graduate & rdquo; he said. In the note handling PPG Unesa entered in the number 2 after UPI. To support it all Unesa has also prepared selected lecturers who will be ready to take participants to become even better. Therefore participants are expected to be able to participate in this activity with pleasure so that there will be no regrets in the future.
Going forward the Indonesian government expects teachers to excel in all respects. Excellent in knowledge skills attitudes and morals. Unesa with the motto growing with character not only teaches knowledge but also the character. "So here you will be trained to be orderly to be organized which will be used when you have graduated and become a professional teacher. The expectation from the government is to get dedicated teachers loyal to the government. Wishing all success and enthusiasm & rdquo; added Bambang. (tni
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