Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-The Competition for Selection of Outstanding Students (Pilmapres) of Surabaya State University was held again. This event was held as a form of appreciation to Unesa students who have superior competencies in academic and non-academic fields as well as an event to choose representatives of The State University of Surabaya to the National Election.
As the opening ceremony, the event was started by a speech from the Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Alumni, Dr. Agus Hariyanto, M.Kes. In his speech, he expressed his appreciation for the academic community chosen to be the Grand Finalist, He also expressed the importance of consistency and sustainability in developing the potential of students.
"This climate must be created and developed through the synergy of all lecturers and academic community of Universitas Negeri Surabaya. So that in the future, the culture of achievement in Unesa can be maintained, together let's create innovation and applied work in realizing the spirit of Unesa One Step Ahead for Indonesia Forward" said Agus.
Elsewhere, Rector of Unesa, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes revealed that today's selected participants have gone through a long process. "Hopefully, as outstanding students, the participants can transmit the spirit to actively organize, dare to learn and practice foreign languages, actively participate in various competitions and social activities in the national and international sphere while maintaining the image of both self, alma mater and the state of Indonesia" said Nurhasan.
Furthermore, the event continued with presentations from each participant consisting of 4 categories, namely Bachelor's Degree, Bachelor's Degree, Main Diploma and Young Diploma. After the presentation, participants received random questions from the jury consisting of Dra. Oksiana Jatiningsih, M.Si, Dr. Warju, S.Pd., M.T and Lina Purwaning Hartanti, S.Pd., M.EIL.
The Grand Final of The Unesa Presidential Election in 2021 produced champions from four categories, including for the Main Bachelor Category, 1st Place was won by Salsabila Romadona from S1 Gizi, 2nd place was won by Ibnu Affan from S1 Islamic Economics and 3rd place was won by Singgih Oka Wardhana from S1 Physics Education. In the Bachelor category, The First Place was won by Khoirun Nisa, 2nd place was won by Nurul Aziza and 3rd place was won by Bayu Krisna Mukti Wibowo.
In the main diploma program, The First Place was won by Dewi Indah Wilujeng, 2nd place was won by Mohammad Afriyan Anggadiotama. While in the young diploma program, The First Place was won by Laskar Intifada Saifullah Fatah Wardana and 2nd place was won by Fitroh Maulana Rizki.
The 2021 Presidential Election was held at the Rectorate Hall Building on the 11th floor involving 12 selected participants who had previously carried out the preliminary stage at the study program level, majors to faculty until selected 3 participants with the highest score to compete at the University level. The four winners from each category will be unesa representatives to compete in the National Election. (Pr. Unesa)
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