Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The Independent Learning Program and the Independent Campus (MBKM) have an important role in improving the quality of human resources. In order to encourage students to master various sciences as a provision to enter the world of work, the Faculty of Engineering and the UNESA Vocational Program collaborated with the East Java National Road Implementation Center (BBPJN).
The cooperation was marked by the signing of the MoU on Tuesday (28/09/2021). Deputy Director for Academic Affairs of the UNESA Vocational Program, Dr. Warju, S.Pd., S.T., M.T., said that the follow-up of the collaboration was the making of implementation agreements in various forms of programs, including the implementation of industrial work practices and improving students' soft skills by working on industrial culture.
In addition, it is also in the form of presenting speakers from the East Java National Road Implementation Center to provide experience-based education and work systems to UNESA students. "There will also be a curriculum synchronization discussion program for the Independent Learning Campus," he said.
The event was attended by Ir. Achmad Subki, MT, Head of the East Java-Bali BBPJN, Prabandityo Triwibowo, ST., M.Eng, Head of the General and Administrative Section of the East Java National Road Implementation Center and the team. Meanwhile, UNESA was attended by the Dean and Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Engineering as well as the Director and Deputy Director of the Vocational Program along with the lecturers.
Achmad Subki revealed that his party welcomed the cooperation program. For him, universities, industry and other parties must collaborate. That way all problems can be overcome and innovations can be presented to the community and the country. "We realize that every organization needs to partner as an effort to serve the community," he said. [UNESA PR]
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