Happiness is being felt by Gustav Mandigo a graduate candidate from the Department of Electrical Engineering because he has been named the best graduate of FT. Gustav as he is usually called can finish his studies in 3.5 years. Initially he could not believe if he was named the best graduate of the Faculty of Engineering. In addition to graduating in semester 7 he also successfully graduated with cum laude predicate with a GPA of 3.71. Not only that the son of the pair Yudha Anggana Agung and Tri Sakti Handayani was once a finalist at the University Level Mawapres representing the Faculty of Engineering. The man born in Surabaya May 5 1994 chose to make a flash-based learning media. The thesis is titled Development of Flash-Based Learning Media in Basic Electronic Engineering Subjects for SMKN 1 Driyorejo brings its own hopes for Gustav. The hope is that it can become a good learning media and can facilitate vocational students in the learning process. The long journey during college is not easy. It was also felt by Gustav. Previously when the UTS course in Electrical Circuits was rated 40 said the alumni of SMAN 15 Surabaya. After he began to realize the importance of college he committed to no longer underestimate all college assignments. Even though my UTS Electric Circuit got a value of 40 but in the final grade (NA) I got an A added the man from Surabaya. Although during college he was not active in the organization the ability in the field of Electronics a man whose hobby is reading is no doubt. Gustav has won first place with the Odenics Team in the PENS Techno Carnival event in the framework of the 26th PENS May 2014 Anniversary. According to him youth is the most suitable time to maximize the potential and the existing soft skills. Never stop to study Gustav said. After graduating Gustav wanted to continue his masters degree in order to achieve his goals as a young lecturer. That desire he accompanied with determination and optimism to try and pray so that it can be useful for others especially to educate the nations children. Education is not everything but everything is sourced from education he said firmly. (khusnul)