Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – The State University of Surabaya (UNESA) continues to support the government in developing and advancing the world of Indonesian sports, including football. Even UNESA was involved in the Socialization of Presidential Instruction Number 3 of 2019 concerning the Acceleration of National Football Development at the Vasa Hotel Surabaya, on Friday (4/6/2021).
The socialization event was held by the Kemenpora together with PSSI and the East Java Provincial Government. The theme raised is 'Football Industry for Advanced Indonesia. On that occasion, UNESA sent the SMCC team as assistance staff to conduct SWAB tests for all event participants. In addition, the moderator and expert note-takers were also from UNESA.
On that occasion, Dr. H. Zainudin Amali, S.E., M.Si as Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia and Dra. Hj. Khofifah Indar Parawansa, M.Si Governor of East Java. In addition, there is also Iwan Budianto as Deputy General Chairperson of PSSI, Airlangga Hartanto General Chairperson of KONI, and Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes UNESA Chancellor and all levels of district and city governments in East Java.
In his remarks, Zainuddin Amali said that the results of a survey from a credible institution said that 77 percent of Indonesians like soccer. In addition, Indonesia has many extraordinary football human resources, but the world of Indonesian football has not yet shined in the international arena. "We deliberately invited the regents and mayors to know their duties and hope that this Presidential Instruction can provide a wind of change for the world of football towards progress and glory," he said.
He continued that advancing the world of football cannot be alone. Of course, it needs the support of many parties, both from the central and local governments and the important role of universities. The Minister of Youth and Sports and the vice chairman of PSSI on that occasion also mentioned about infrastructure and management that must continue to be improved in order to develop young soccer seeds in Indonesia.
Unesa Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes said that Unesa as a university that excels in the field of sports welcomes and even fully supports efforts to accelerate the development of football in Indonesia through the Presidential Instruction signed by President Joko Widodo on January 29, 2019.
According to him, the Presidential Instruction is a manifestation of the government's efforts to garner collaboration and commitment across ministries, institutions, and the central government to districts and cities to improve national and international football achievements according to their respective duties, functions and authorities. "With direct instructions from the President to around 18 parties (Ministries, Institutions, Provincial, Regency and City Governments, ed) of course we are optimistic that the future of Indonesian football will be bright and advanced," he said.
He added that Unesa has also done many things for the advancement of football in Indonesia through Unesa's coaches and human resources who are often used in national football events. In fact, to support the improvement of soccer achievements, Unesa in the near future plans to build an international standard football school.
"Unesa is certainly responsible for the process of developing football talent in East Java and Indonesia, improving the competence of referees and coaches, and so on, one of which will be through the Football School later," he said.
The man who is called Cak Hasan emphasized that previously, UNESA also played a role as one of the places for the implementation of the Regional Training Center program from KONI East Java and was appointed by the government as the host of the FGD in Sports Grand Design by the Ministry of Youth and Sports. "With the support and efforts made by Unesa in the world of sports, hopefully it can improve the achievements of Indonesian sports and football in the international arena and Red and White can fly on the world's soccer fields and stadiums," he hoped. (Hasna)
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