Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—The Surabaya State University (UNESA) Real Work Study Program (KKN) is back on track. According to the schedule, students will go into the field on Monday, March 4 2024. As part of the training and strengthening, KKN program students will take part in Education and Training or Penlat which will be held for two days on Saturday-Sunday, March 2-3 2024 on the 11th floor of the building. Rectorate, Campus 2 Lidah Wetan.
This event collaborates with the Director General for the Acceleration of Development of Disadvantaged Regions Drs. F. M. Jacky, S.Sos., M.Sc., said that around 676 students would carry out the KKN project in the village. There are various PKM subjects at UNESA, he added, but they are broken down into several subjects, namely projects in villages, entrepreneurship, teaching assistance, and humanity.
Recently UNESA is collaborating with Bumdes to set a student record, because This collaboration involves the role of KKN students who focus on projects in villages dealing with problems in BUMDes.
This training is focused on providing provisions in the form of material related to BUMDes to students who will later be involved directly in the village. KKN students must know about field conditions and also regulatory issues in BUMDes where KKN is located.
There are 4 skills provided to KKN students which are based on the current shortcomings of BUMDes, namely managerial, accountability, research abilities markets and financial literacy. It is hoped that with these 4 skills students will be more confident in handling problems in the field, especially regarding BUMDes.
In the material session, Nugroho Setijo Nagoro, conveyed the regulations for BUMDes management. According to him, BUMDes is an economic institution at the village level, the scope and role of BUMDes is also diverse.
This event can provide a solid foundation for students before they enter the field. Through this event, students not only gain the knowledge and skills needed, but also enthusiasm and commitment to develop village development through BUMDes.
“I hope that students from the One Step Ahead campus can have an impact "that is positive towards oneself, the community and the surrounding area when implementing KKN in the village," he said.
In the next session, Budi Sarwoto, explained regarding East Java BUMDes and the efforts made by BUMDes to develop village businesses. He explained the distribution of East Java BUMDes which could be categorized into 3 parts, namely advanced, developing and beginners.
On the second day, resource persons such as Priyadi, S.E., District BUMDes Supervisor. Jombang, Dr. Mufarrihul Hazin, S.Pd.I., M.Pd., and Abdul Khafidz, S.M., also provided reinforcement as an important provision for students regarding strategies for developing and overcoming problems in villages, especially in relation to BUMDes.
Apart from that, there was also a resource person, Iman Pasu Purba, M.H, as a resource person regarding the prevention and handling of sexual violence. Furthermore, students are guided in preparing proposals or designing activity programs with their respective DPL groups.[]
Reporter: Lina Lubabatul Karimah
Editor : @zam*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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