unesa.ac.id., Surabaya - Together with the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) held the LPS Calling for Research 2025 socialization online on Tuesday, February 18, 2025.
Meiti Sulistika, Research Team LPS, conveyed, the research contest with the theme 'Development and Strengthening of the Financial Sector in Increasing Productivity and Strengthening the Economic Structure' is free of registration fees.
In addition, this research competition can be followed by lecturers, students, researchers, and Other general public with educational background both individuals or teams (a maximum of three people). There are two themes or sub-themes that can be followed by participants, namely special and general.
For research special sub-themes, participants at least take diploma or S-1. Whereas a minimum of diploma or undergraduate students and maximum graduates of S2 for general sub-theme participants.
"The paper can be in Indonesian or English and must be original work. For the scientific field and academic community status of participants is not limited, "he said.
He hopes that UNESA lecturers and students can participate in this contest to strengthen the progress of the economy in Indonesia.
Dean of FKP , Nining Widyah Kusnanik, conveying research activities such as those carried out by LPS in line with the Tridarma of Higher Education which emphasizes the collaboration of research or research funding.
Through this activity, cooperation will be easier to find between universities or government. With this competition, students or academics have the opportunity to compete in a healthy knowledge for the progress of the nation.
"It's a shame if you don't use this moment well. Because students and lecturers from any study program can register, as long as they meet the requirements given, "he said when opening the event. (Optional, for those who collect will get coaching facilities around July 2025);
Next, August 21, 2025, Paper Collection Limits; August 28-September 10, 2025, Review Research Paper; and September 17, 2025: Clarification of Research Paper. []
Reporter: Fatimah Najmus Shofa (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Public Relations Team UNESA
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