Unesa.ac.id. , SURABAYA—Faculty of Medicine (FK), Surabaya State University (UNESA) is proposing to open three new study programs this year. The study programs in question are Bachelor of Nursing, Bachelor of Midwifery, and Bachelor of Physiotherapy which have entered the field assessment stage by the Independent Accreditation Institute for Indonesian Higher Health Education (LAM-PTKes).
Bachelor's Study Program Physiotherapy was assessed by the LAM-PTKes assessor team on Wednesday, March 20 2024. Then, the Bachelor of Midwifery study program was assessed by assessors consisting of Idah Ayu Wulandari, S.Si.T., M.Keb and Sinar Pertiwi S.ST., M.PH., on Monday, March 25 2024. The assessor team was welcomed by the staff. the head of the rectorate, the head of the FK, the deans and directors at the FK Building, Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, Surabaya.
The Dean of the FK, Dr. Dr. Endang Sri Wahjuni, M.Kes., said that the visitation was intended for a field assessment of the minimum accreditation for opening the three study programs. Two study programs have been visited and one more study program, namely Bachelor of Nursing, will be visited in the future.
Field assessment process for the Bachelor of Physiotherapy study program by the LAM-PTKes assessor team on Wednesday (20/3/2024)
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