Dean of FH Unesa, Arinto Nugroho and his staff; together with Prevention Unit of the East Java Regional Task Force Team, Densus 88 AT, Indonesian National Police, Kompol. Dani Teguh Wibowo; And Arif Fatoni declared the formation of the Unasa Anti-Terrorism Study Center.
unesa.ac.id., Surabaya - href = "// UNESA.ac.id/"> SURABAYA STATE UNIVERSITY (UNESA) held a public lecture in the prevention of terrorism with the East Java Regional Task Force (Task Force), Special Datasement 88 Anti-Terror Polri in the FH Auditorium, < a href = "// UNESA.ac.id/">unesa Campus 1 Ketintang , on Wednesday, February 12, 2025.
This activity was attended At Polri, Kompol. Dani Teguh Wibowo; and former terrorist convicts, Arif Fatoni.
In front of hundreds of students and lecturers, Kompol Dani Teguh Wibowo explained about the prevention of radicalism and terrorism in the community.
According to him, terrorism It did not occur from the process last night, but through a long series of doctrines, ranging from intolerance, followed by radicalism, and ended in acts of terrorism. on social media to break up opinions or do hacking activities. .
Therefore, he invites a generation Young not to be too influenced by various information and propaganda that divide and stir emotions on social media. However, critical to straighten and counter various information.
He emphasized that terrorism is not related to religion, because basically all religions teach peace, love, and mutual respect for one another. P>
In the second session, Arif Fatoni shared his experience when he was involved in acts of terrorism. The way of how terrorists attract the community to get involved not through a short process.
It all starts with an invitation to the study of the study but is covered with radical thoughts and ideologies, then the opinion of opinion to the Jihad road and end up into the terrorist organization.
"Terrorism is dangerous because it is sporadic, and occurs not as easy as snapping fingers, but comes from a long process that starts from intolerant," he explained.
Terrorist prisoners, Arif Fatoni, who shared the experience and understanding of how terrorism was spread as a provision for students not to get caught up. "SRC ="/Images/Photos-13-02-2025-02-19-50-7075.png "Style =" Height: 533px; Width: 800px "/>
Declaration: Establishment of the Center for Anti-Terrorism Studies Unesa
In addition to public lectures, FH Unesa also declared the establishment of the Center for Anti-Terrorism Studies UNESA. The Dean of FH, Arinto Nugroho said that the declaration of this establishment was a commitment and form of the role of FH Unesa in strengthening terrorism prevention.
"In addition to education and strengthening through seminars and public lectures for students, prevention also needs to be done in the form of studies. Hopefully this can be a real action for all of us in combating terrorism," he said.
The center of this study is motivated by the rampant spread of terrorism that occurs, then this will be a forum for mitigation of acts of terror with various studies that will be conducted.
The center of this study is reinforced by experts and experts from various scientific fields , some from FH, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIPOL), Faculty of Psychology (FPSI), and other faculties, so that later it can produce comprehensive studies.
This study center has a number of goals namely, strengthening UNESA contribution to society and the state. In addition, it is also a contribution forum for students and lecturers in general. [*]
Reporter: Andras Salmany Ramdan (FISIPOL)
Editor : @zam*
Photo: UNESA Public Relations Team
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