Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-The development of increasingly massive technology has made various activities shifted to digital. It is possible that various skills that utilize technology are increasingly developing, one of which is 3D engineering design. Awareness of the importance of 3D engineering design in the digital era became the basis for Samsuddin, a Mechanical Engineering Student at the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) to establish CV Ide Karya Semesta.
"Initially, I saw that friends from other campuses were very enthusiastic about 3D engineering design and I wanted to bring that enthusiasm to Unesa because 3D engineering design skills are important," said this final semester student who is also the director and founder of CV Ide Karya Semesta. Finally, in 2018 the Design Community Student Activity Unit (UKM) was formed, led by M. Samsuddin and his friends as a forum for Unesa students who have an interest in design.
Unexpectedly, a lot of enthusiasm also came from outside Unesa. With long preparations, it was finally decided to form a 3D Expert which was officially launched on January 18, 2020, assisted by colleagues from the department, Erwin and Afifani. They provided free 3D engineering design training to 450 participants consisting of employees and students. The purpose of the establishment of the forum is as a place to learn and develop design skills for students and employees in East Java.
It doesn't stop there, 3D Expert is now increasingly developing into various technology-based engineering design consulting services, including consulting in the fields of industrial design, mechanical, construction, architecture and various other engineering fields. This final year student innovation was officially legalized on January 14, 2021 and changed its name to CV Ide Karya Semesta. Until now, the services belonging to the 2017 class of students already have more than 1,700 alumni participating in training spread across almost all parts of Indonesia, even in Timor Leste.
This Bidikmisi scholarship recipient currently manages more than 25 part-time employees consisting of practitioners and academics from universities in East Java, such as UGM, ITS, PPNS, and UB. In improving quality, CV Ide Karya Semesta has collaborated with more than 20 universities in Indonesia and two companies as partners and will continue to grow over time.
Because the initial focus of the training was carried out in person, Samsuddin racked his brain so that the training could be maximized even though it was carried out online. "The pandemic and the PPKM policy made it down, because it requires extra energy to promote design training, of course, you have to accept the situation and get up again," said the director, who is still in college. The 3D class technique is maximally developed through the website for the trainees. In addition, a participant liaison feature for certification will also be added in preparing for the world of work.
Not only that, CV Ide Karya Semesta often carries out various social activities, including distributing rice packages every Friday to providing free consultation and planning services for the construction of mosques and Islamic boarding schools. It has been carried out in five mosques in Surabaya, Lamongan, Bandung to Batam. Meanwhile, they are currently assisting the process of building the Darul Muttaqin mosque in Beji District, Pasuruan Regency.
Successfully growing and developing so far, Samsuddin thanks Unesa for supporting him through various facilities in the development and distribution of initial ideas. “Thank you Unesa and Indonesia. Starting from Bidikmisi to be able to create jobs for many people. Hopefully this company will be more blessed and provide benefits for Unesa and the country," he said. (Goddess/zam)
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