Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—Professors, academics and alumni of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) made a declaration entitled 'Guarding Democracy , Safeguarding the Republic of Indonesia' at the Independent Learning Laboratory, Lidah Wetan Campus II, Monday, February 5 2024.
The declaration was read by a representative of the 'Home of Champions' campus professor, namely Prof. Dr. Setya Yuwana, M.A., who is also the Chair of the University Academic Senate (SAU) accompanied by representatives of the academic community, the ranks of deans and deputy deans, and the UNESA environmental study program coordinator.
Dr. Martadi, M.Sn., as the coordinator emphasized that it is the commitment and responsibility of the academic community which is a moral force to ensure and maintain that political dynamics do not have the potential to damage national unity and integrity.
< p>"We also contribute, provide a moral spirit and remind everyone that elections are not everything. The final goal of the elections is to create a prosperous, just and prosperous Republic of Indonesia for all people," said the Director of the Education and Certification Institute UNESA Profession (LPSP).
Martadi emphasized that this call was not addressed to certain parties, groups or individuals, but as a message to all society and elements of the nation to ensure that the democratic party which is only a few days away can run safely , peaceful, honest and fair.
All parties must also remain in the ethical corridor in realizing a healthy democracy, so that this nation can remain intact and elections are able to produce leaders who can bring this nation to the ideals that we all hope for. .
The man who was born in Ngawi once again emphasized that universities have a moral responsibility to remind and invite all parties to make the democratic party a success and maintain unity. In fact, it can become a problem when campuses are silent when they see the dynamics that trigger divisions.
"Our job is to remind. It is guaranteed in law as academic freedom. Today we are taking advantage of the freedom guaranteed by that law to provide "moral message to all parties, to remain cool and maintain togetherness and brotherhood," he stressed.
UNESA does not want, he continued, that just because of the election, differences in views and political choices will cause turmoil. The price is too big to be paid when an election divides the nation.
The statement of the attitude of professors, academics and alumni of the 'Home of Champions' campus is as follows:
Paying attention to the dynamics of national politics in the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) process and to safeguard the upholding of democracy, as well as maintain the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia towards a Golden Indonesia 2045, we professors, academics and UNESA alumni express our stance:
- Encourage all parties to maintaining togetherness and a conducive atmosphere for the realization of a healthy democracy based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia;
- Encouraging all elements of the nation to set a wise example by prioritizing the interests of the nation and state above personal, group and class interests for the success of the 2024 General Election;
- Encourage the State Civil Apparatus (ASN), State and Government Officials, TNI, and Polri to maintain neutrality and not take sides in the 2024 General Election;
- Encourage all parties to respect academic freedom as part of constitutional campus autonomy, without any political interest tendencies, but solely to maintain civilization and democratic values;
- Inviting all elements of the nation to provide education and political literacy to the public so as to avoid hoax information and hate speech in order to realize the 2024 general election that is honest, fair, safe and peaceful;
- Inviting all citizens who have the right to vote not to abstain, to vote according to their conscience and appreciate the differences in choices. []
Reporter: Fatimah Najmus Shofa/Sindy Riska
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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