Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-Journalism plays an important role in the growth and development of democracy in Indonesia. In fact, since the founding of the Indonesian nation, journalism has played a strategic role in stimulating the spirit of people's resistance so that it can escape from colonialism and become an independent nation.
"This role is certainly supported by a journalistic function which is carried out carefully, wisely and proportionally, not randomly, sometimes without confirmation and also many who click stanza," said the Deputy Governor of East Java, Dr. Emil Elestianto Dardak, B.Bus., M.Sc at the Journalism and Photography Training by Tugu Media Group and Paragon on Monday (24/5/2021).
UNESA together with three other campuses, UNAIR, ITS and UINSA became partners in this virtual event.
According to Emil Dardak, because journalism is important, journalism training also needs to be held regularly. Both students who are interested in journalism and those who do not will still benefit and participants can understand how the journalistic process is produced and disseminated.
He added that there are nine journalistic principles that must really be considered, namely the principle of truth, loyalty to society, discipline in verification, independence, monitoring of power, accommodating aspirations or providing space for criticism and public comments, relevant, proportional and comprehensive and using conscience.
"Sometimes the news is factual, but there is an element of opinion from the author. Even though the news must be based on actual facts, not conjecture or opinion and this is very important and must be considered, "he said.
Currently, there are lots of click bait news stories that have sprung up. The titles tend to be fishing and do not fit the content. Also, it doesn't provide complete information. In addition, there is a trend towards news content design with a one, two, three and even four page system. This can have an impact on the phenomenon of incomplete news reading, but it is immediately spread everywhere. In the end, many misunderstand and wrongly draw conclusions.
The man who graduated from the University of New South Wales, Australia hopes that through this event students can have a journalistic understanding and can be directly involved in building a comprehensive understanding in the community. "Do not stop and understand yourself, but wake up and share that understanding with others, so that you are not easily provoked by information that is not necessarily clear," he said.
The husband of Arumi Bachsin admits that he often has discussions with the media about the important role of the media in national and regional development. He always emphasized and advised that the media are not only dominant in producing pessimistic narratives that have an impact on people's self-confidence. However, journalism and the media must also have a moral responsibility in society. "Bad news is good news, sometimes it still applies. So there is often a tendency to bring up negative news. At that time it was dominant, the loss was the community itself, "he said.
The 37-year-old man emphasized that this does not mean that journalism or the media should not produce bad news, let alone not carry out the function of criticism, including to the government, but the media must also think about the impact of news in society.
The event was attended by many participants from Unesa and three other campuses. As for the speakers, namely Nurcholis MA Basyari, chief editor of Tugujatim.id and Dr. Aqua Dwipayana, National Communication and Motivation Expert. (Public Relations of Unesa)
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