Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya- Department of Spirituality Student Executive Board (DK-BEM) Faculty of Language and Arts Unesa held Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur'an on Saturday (20/03/2021). The competition titled "Creating a Generation of Achievements and Qur'ani Spirit" was held virtually. As a jury there was Agung Ari Subagio, M. Fil. I, FBS lecturer and Alfia Sari, S.Pd., unesa alumni.
Vice Dean of Student Affairs and Alumni of FBS Unesa, Syafiul Anam, Ph.D in his speech fully supports the implementation of MTQ events. According to him, the MTQ competition can be an event to gather and bring together students who have talents in the field of MTQ. In addition, it can also improve the religious achievements of students, especially Those who are Muslims. He hopes that the best participants of the MTQ can be delegated to participate in university-level MTQ and even other prestigious MTQ events.
There are 10 kinds of competitions held in the event. Starting from tartil competition, tilawah, sarhil, calligraphy, English and Arabic debate, to hifdzil race 5 and 10 juz Qur'an. In addition, there is also a design competition for the application of the Qur'an, and scientific papers of the Qur'an. The variety of the competition was attended by 42 participants who showed each other talents and presented their best performance in front of the jury.
Alda Setyawati, one of the participants of the Al-Qur'an application design competition told her preparations for the competition. He and his friend from the beginning have tried their best and given their best for his work. His efforts were sweet and his work won first place in the race. Not only Alda, other race participants also gave their best efforts.
"Keep the spirit for all participants in the competition in the work and give the best effort in every works and performance anywhere and in any event. I believe that all participants have great talent, creativity and innovation and that is also an achievement for me. Once again keep the spirit in the work," message Dziky Hamdany, Chief Executive of MTQ.
"For participants who become champions in this race, also keep the spirit in the work, do not be quickly satisfied and still keep the achievement even improved to a higher stage. Participants not only excel at the faculty level, but also dare to process and excel at the university level even nationally," concluded Dziky. (Pie/Zam)
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