Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) through the Directorate of Scientific Ranking and Publication Innovation (IPPI), is holding a UNESA Branding and Merchandise Logo Design Innovation Creation Competition.
The competition is taking place and announced on October 19 2023, it carries the theme "Building the Image of UNESA which Has a Vision to become a Resilient, Adaptive and Innovative Educational University Based on Entrepreneurship".
Participants in the competition include participants from professionals, students, both groups and individuals. The activity was opened by the Director of Innovation, Ranking and Scientific Publications, Prof. Dr. Nadi Suprapto.
In his opening speech, Prof. Nadi said that the competition was intended as an opportunity to explore one's potential, collaborate and develop together.
According to him, the competition is a forum for strengthening competence and hone skills, in this case the participant's creation skills. Also, with the competition participants can be motivated to produce the best version of their own work.
"As for the results of this competition, it is hoped that it will continue to bring benefits to Surabaya State University," said the professor in the field of Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA).
The UNESA Logo Branding and Merchandise Design Innovation Creation Competition was carried out through several judging stages until 6 finalists were selected which were announced on 19 October 2023. The finalist presentations were carried out online until 6 were selected. winners.
There were 3 winners in the Logo Branding category, namely TEAM PJ.co as 1st place from general professional, TEAM IT AT ALL and TEAM All is well from ITATS as 2nd and 3rd place respectively.
Apart from that, there were 3 winners in the Merchandise Design category, namely the SuperGunz team as 1st place from general professional, the All is Well team from ITATS as 2nd place and the Kharites team from UNESA as 3rd place.
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From the implementation of the competition, it is hoped that the logo and merchandise design can become one of the merchandise models that can improve the identity and image of the institution, increase brand identification, encourage collaboration and creativity, increase recognition and power attraction, and support university events.
It is hoped that this competition will also be a useful opportunity for UNESA to improve the image and identity of the institution, strengthen connections with the academic community, and support various institutional initiatives. []
Author: IPPI Directorate Team
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: IPPI Directorate Team Documentation
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