Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The Vocational Program at the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) signed an MoU and cooperation agreement (PKS) with the Directorate of Courses and Training, Directorate General of Higher Education, Kemendikbudristek RI on Thursday 16 December 2021 at The Rich Jogja Hotel Ballroom, Yogyakarta. The MoU was broadcast live on the CourseKita Youtube channel.
The cooperation agreement for the implementation of Past Learning Recognition (RPL) education for graduates of course and training institutions was signed directly by the Plt. Director of Courses and Training, Dr. Wartanto, M.M., with the UNESA Vocational Director, Dr. Martadi, M.Sn., witnessed by the Director of Diction, Wikan Sakarinto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.
In addition, it was also witnessed by the ranks of the heads of district and city education offices, representatives of LKP, PKBM, LSK, media and course and training partner organizations, as well as all participants who attended both offline and online.
Wartanto as Plt. The Special Director and Training explained that in 2020 the PKK & PKW program application was launched, in which the execution process from the proposal stage to the report used an online system without a paper base and the result was a very significant increase because in 2020 there were around 8,000 more proposals submitted. and this year it reached 9,000 more. In addition, there were also a lot of executions, reaching 2,900 for PKK and 900 for PKW.
Meanwhile, Wikan Sakarinto appreciated all LKPs and all existing parties, because now LKP, PKK, and PKW have digitized starting from registration. It includes digital innovation by using a digital system in uploading proposals to their selection, as well as in reporting. "This includes a pretty extraordinary jump," he said.
According to him, the development of innovation in educational or training institutions must be accompanied by an increase in mindset in accepting various changes, so as to create competent graduates. There is no final word in innovation. Don't when you feel good and stop innovating. Instead, innovation is a creative process that continues to develop and is continuous.
He believes that Indonesia can move forward and excel, if all levels of society are able to make a change, bring innovation, accept change and don't complain and don't give up easily. "Because in the end, the changing times will demand and encourage us and will even push us towards change," he said.
The man who graduated from UGM asked all budget managers so that various budgets really have an impact on change and benefit the wider community. Human resources born from non-formal education are expected to become pillars of change in society and the nation.
He also advised not to be complacent in performance and achievements. "Don't be satisfied and okay, because he thinks that non-formal education is still not fully considered by all parties, so it is necessary to introduce it to the public, such as through short films or short video introductions and promotions," he explained.
The next event was followed by giving awards and appreciation to LKP, PKB, LSK, media, and course and training partner organizations. This is done because during this 1 year, the Director General of Higher Education has implemented various programs to support Indonesian children in order to develop their potential. [UNESA PR]
Reporter: Azhar
Editor: @zam*
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