Unesa .ac.id Surabaya - The work of a lecturer is really needed in this modern era one of which is by contributing to the publication of scientific papers. Not only nationally lecturers are also required to be able to publish scientific papers of international standard. This year the Directorate General of Science Technology and Higher Education offers the International Publication Quality Improvement Scholarship Program (PKPI) / Sandwich-like to doctoral S3 students in the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education who are studying Postgraduate Programs. < / p>
In connection with this Unesa Postgraduate gave a socialization of PKPI scholarship program to a number of Unesa S3 students apart from Unesa participants who attended were also from UM UB and Airlangga (28/05).
As a reinforcement in this socialization was also attended by the Director General of Higher Education Science and Technology Resources Prof. Dr. Ali Ghufron M.Sc. Ph.D. In his direction Ali Ghufron stressed for S3 students to always be productive in making scientific work publications. Why is that from this productivity capital is important to get PKPI scholarships. Because in accepting PKPI it requires a lecturer who is critical in an academic problem and trains the ability to think in solving a problem.
& ldquo; This program is intended for S3 students who can think critically in a problem. For that read a lot to find abstraction in a writing so that your critical nature emerges. And the last is keep trying and optimizing all abilities in writing scientific works both nationally and internationally & rdquo; he said.
PKPI itself has several conditions including permanent lecturers of PTN / PTS in the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education who are still actively studying at one of the BPP-DN postgraduate organizers; Have NIDN; Pass the research proposal exam and / or pass the Doctoral Candidate with a permanent promoter; Having preliminary data that can be used for writing articles (manuscripts) in reputable international journals; The study period does not exceed 8 (eight) semesters of the S3 program which has been taken at the BPP-DN Postgraduate Graduate Program at the time of departure; Must register online (on page) http://beasiswa.ristekdikti.go.id/pkpi ; Pass the administrative selection conducted by the Directorate General of Science and Technology Resources and Higher Education; Pass the interview selection conducted in English by the Selection Team determined by the Directorate General of Science and Technology Resources and Higher Education; Able to demonstrate spoken and written communication skills in English; Have never participated in the PKPI program from the Directorate General of Science and Technology Resources and Higher Education; Must comply with all applicable rules and regulations. (why/tni)
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