Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—The Association of Applied State Administration Undergraduate Students (Himastan), State Administration D-4 study program, Vocational Faculty, Surabaya State University (UNESA) held a Govercy Seminar and Talkshow which was attended by the Deputy of the Presidential Staff Office of the Republic of Indonesia at the Srikandi Auditorium, Building i6, Faculty of Social Sciences and Law (FISH), Ketintang Campus on Sunday, December 3 2023.
The speaker in question is Dra. Jaleswari Pramodhawardani, M.Hum., Deputy V for Politics, Law, Security, Defense and Human Rights, Staff Office of the President of the Republic of Indonesia. Apart from that, also present as a speaker was the Head of the East Java Youth and Sports Service (Kadispora), Moh Ali Kuncoro., S.STP., M.Sc.
Indonesian Vision
In Govercy 2.0 with the theme "Transformation of Public Services: The Role of Youth in Increasing Bureaucratic Efficiency in Indonesia", Jaleswari delivered material on "Development Vision and the Role of Youth". In front of the students, he reminded that Indonesia has big dreams as written by President Joko Widodo during his working visit to Merauke, 30 December 2015.
In that article, there are 7 important points of UNESA's dreams that need to be realized together, including youth. He added that Indonesia's young generation, especially generation Z, is predicted to be the most educated generation with a high level of technological proficiency.
The potential of this young generation continues to be strengthened through various government programs, one of which is to increase Indonesia's digital talent numbers. . "Apart from that, the government is also concerned about overcoming the country's problems and increasing awareness of crucial issues such as climate and the economy," he said.
Digital Transformation
In policy, the government is mainstreaming digital transformation through various means. First, accelerating and expanding access through the provision of digital infrastructure. Second, prepare a digital transformation roadmap in strategic sectors. Third, accelerating the integration of national data centers. Fourth, prepare for digital talent needs. Fifth, strengthening regulations.
If you look at the policy roadmap, there are aspects of the younger generation that are accommodated as part of attention and recognition of the potential roles of the younger generation itself. The role of youth is a special force in national development. In other countries, for example, such as China, Africa and Malaysia, they also pay attention and ensure the role of youth in their countries.
For this woman who is also a researcher at LIPI, it is time for young people and students to pick up the ball and develop themselves further. to fill the role and make a positive contribution to Indonesian society and nation.
Youth Strategy and Role
How. First, take the role of strategic sectors such as maritime, food, digitalization, education, health, MSMEs, tourism and renewable energy. Research and dedication can be directed there. Second, in order to be able to do that, youth must be innovative, creative and able to fight for idealistic values.
Third, youth must have critical power, including in elections as an important part of determining the country's future in the next 5 years. "There is only one country that deserves to be my country. It grows with actions and those actions are my actions," concluded Jaleswari, quoting Mohammad Hatta.
Kadispora East Java Moh Ali Kuncoro in front of the student participants gave motivation to continue learning, developing themselves and produce work and contributions to society, the region and the country.
"Learn today to change civilization. When we talk about 2045, where our nation will be in the 1st century position, at this point the older generation also hopes "is in golden Indonesia. This is a moment that must be prepared from now on," concluded Ali.
Youth and Bureaucracy
In the final series, the event continued with a discussion filled by Asrorun Ni'am as President of BEM UNESA, Aulia Thariq Akbar as President of BEM FISIP Unair, Laskar Intifada as Mawapres UNESA, and a young politician, namely Soekarno Dewa, who gave each other arguments and opinions regarding bureaucracy in Indonesia.

This activity received support and appreciation from the study program leadership. Dr. Weni Rosdiana, S.Sos., M.AP., Coordinator of the D-4 State Administration Study Program said that this activity was important for broaden insight and increase the role of youth in the government's showcase.
"The Govercy 2.0 agenda consists of the Govercy Competition, Govercy Mentoring for Writing, and the Govercy Festival. It is hoped that this can prove the existence of youth, especially students, so that it can lead to bureaucratic reform and the role of students in making state policies," Koorprodi.
The activity, whose speech was delivered by the Manager of the Public Service Area and Director of Public Relations and Public Information at UNESA Vinda Maya Setianingrum, S.Sos., M.A., was attended by 273 participants. Each -Each of them conveyed their ideas in discussions and wrote essays about bureaucracy in Indonesia.
Chairman of the UNESA Himastan, Naufal said that the essay participants gave their ideas about the right technology to emerge in 2045, the environmental and anti-economic sectors. corruption, as well as the ideal bureaucracy that has been implemented in Indonesia in its 1st century.
"Developing youth means building national civilization. In the future, young people will assume administration in this country. "Therefore, this discussion can be a vehicle for all friends to listen to our nation's current complaints in preparation for improvements that will occur in the future," said Naufal. []
Reporter: Amalia Rizka/Fadina
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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