Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-For the umpteenth time, this year, the Chancellor of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) received awards from various parties and agencies. This time, the award came from the East Java Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin Jatim). Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., received the award at the Kadin Institute's 11th Anniversary event at Graha Kadin, Surabaya on Saturday, May 21, 2022.
The Director of the Kadin Institute, Nurul Indah Susanti, M.Psi., P.Si., stated that there were about 11 figures and officials who received the award. Two figures or officials received awards as inspiration, namely the Governor of East Java and BNSP. While 9 others received awards as a driving force, one of them was the Chancellor of UNESA.
"This is an appreciation for the commitment of the parties involved, including the Chancellor, in moving the vocational and apprenticeship fields," he said.
He appreciated UNESA's quick steps in responding to the challenges and demands of 21st century competence. One of them is by presenting the Vocational Program and strengthening the link and match between universities and the business and industrial world (DUDI).
“In the current era, universities and industry must work together. Lecturers must balance between the competence of educators and competencies in others, entrepreneurship for example," he said. "Hopefully this award is useful and motivates us together in advancing the world of education and industry in East Java and Indonesia in general," he hoped.
Cak Hasan directly received the award along with a number of other figures and officials. He expressed his gratitude to the Kadin Institute. For him, it is a motivation in moving and advancing the vocational field in the future. “This vocational training is not just a university task, but a joint task with the industrial world. Therefore, synergy and collaboration must continue to be strengthened," he said.
In addition to giving awards, the anniversary was also coupled with the launching of the Vocational House and the signing of the MoU as well as a joint commitment to advancing vocational education to create superior and competitive human resources.
The chairman of the DPD RI and the founder of the Kadin Institute, Ir. H. La Nyalla Mattalitti also gave a speech. He said that industry and vocational education must collaborate and synergize with each other with institutions and universities. “Before the demographic bonus occurs, we need to prepare human resources and make every moment a golden opportunity. Without it, the demographic bonus will be a disaster," he said. {UNESA PR]
Author: Riska Umami
Editor: @zam*
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