Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—Lutviana Dwi Jannati, participant from MAS Unggulan Amanatul Ummah Surabaya succeeded in registering her name is on the list of the youngest prospective new students (camaba) at Surabaya State University (UNESA) through the SNBP 2024 route. She passed the SNBP at the age of 16 years and 2 months.
The news of the passing of the woman who is familiarly called Vivi made her parents touched. and proud at the same time. The mother, Siti Khodijah (46) said that on Monday, March 26 2024 afternoon, she was carrying out her routine as a housewife at her house, Sidowungu-Gresik.
After asar, her cellphone suddenly rang, apparently It was a video call from one of the teachers at MAS Unggulan Amanatul Ummah Surabaya, where his daughter was staying.
From that he got good news. Her daughter was accepted into the Informatics Management study program, Surabaya State University (UNESA) for the SNBP 2024 route. This good news made her immediately express gratitude.
Feelings of joy and emotion enveloped her heart. "It was a video call via the teacher's cellphone. Well, when they were gathering to see the announcement, I saw Vivi (her child's nickname, ed.) and cried and I was moved too," said the 46 year old woman.
As a mother, hearing the good news made her want to embrace and hug her child tightly and lovingly. Because they couldn't meet each other, they could only celebrate their graduation at a distance.
"My son lives in Surabaya. I can only communicate once a week through his teacher there. You can meet him via video call, or on time "There's a visit schedule. He only comes home when he's on holiday, usually once every six months," he said.
When his son comes home, he wants to welcome him with a warm hug and cook his son's favorite dishes. In fact, he agreed to fulfill whatever his child's request was according to his needs.
"I asked what you want to do when you graduate. Vivi said that he just needed prayers so that things would be easier in the future. I plan to buy a motorbike for his needs. go to the cottage and go to college," he explained.
What are the tips for passing the 2024 SNBP at the youngest age? Vivi said that what she had done since middle school was study diligently as recommended by her parents and teachers. He always makes the most of his time by studying.
Because of that, he dared to take accelerated classes from middle school to high school until finally he was able to enter UNESA at the age of 16 years and 2 months. Entering an accelerated class makes him even more enthusiastic about studying so he can stay in that class while maintaining his grades.
Every morning, after morning prayers, like at school in general, he studies general subjects such as Mathematics, English, and so on. Then in the afternoon and evening he learned about religion, like what people usually do when they go to boarding school.
Even before going to bed, he always studied or discussed with his friends to reinforce the lessons they received that day. Apart from that, this woman who was born in Gresik also took part in extracurricular paskibraka and once won a national paskibraka competition.
"Studying in class you really have to understand that otherwise it will be difficult to divide your time between boarding school and extracurricular activities," she said. .
Vivi revealed that her family or parents always support her choices. Like his family's confidence in him, he also believes that the study program he chooses can lead him to become a successful person.
Having entrepreneurial blood from his father, he wants to become a successful entrepreneur in the future. Apart from that, his interest in the IT field made him think about studying two things in one study program.
Reporter: Sindy Riska (Fisipol)/Fatimah Najmus Shofa (FBS)
Editor: @zam* (FIP)
Photo: Siti Khodijah Documentation
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