Monitoring observing and researching the development of Malay literature among three countries has led Dr. Suharmono Kasiyun M.Pd. became the best graduate of S3 Unesa. The ...
In order for the 76th Graduation of Unesa to run smoothly the graduation committee will conduct a clean rehearsal involving all participants and the committee. Graduation ...
If Thomas Alfa Edison conducted thousands of attempts to get the light bulb formula Nelvarine Tiurma from S1 Department of Physical Education discovering pure gerjawi art ...
The 76th graduation of Unesa which will be held on March 9 2013 takes the theme "The Unesa graduates are ready to strengthen innovative education and ...
A total of 1514 students from all faculties will graduate on March 9 2013 at GOR Bima Campus of Tongue Unesa. Because the number of graduates ...