Monitoring observing and researching the development of Malay literature among three countries has led Dr. Suharmono Kasiyun M.Pd. became the best graduate of S3 Unesa. The former librarian began his studies in 2008 with the status of Suharmonos study permit and successfully completed his postgraduate study at Unesa with a GPA of 3.83. Through his dissertation Suharmono Kasiyun observed the development of Malay literature among three groups of countries with equally Malay backgrounds namely Indonesia Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam.
Starting from his anxiety to pay attention to the development of the three countries that developed not in accordance with his past an idea was created to develop comparative literature by focusing on three countries with Malay background. With the title of the dissertation "The Drought Novel by A.A Navis AL-Syiqaq I by Syahnon bin Ahmad and Ntaidu by Burmat Muslim: Narrative Structure Authors Thought Religiosity and Narration " was born a conclusion it turns out that between Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam there are factors that bridge the success of the countrys scientific fields namely political factors. Due to political factors education about nationalism is very strong. For example in Malaysia literary works that have a high spirit of nationalism are taught in that country.
According to him in pursuing education in Unesa all must be based on totality. "Discipline and seriousness must be emphasized not half measures and must be serious" he said when met in the lecturer room of the Indonesian Language and Literature Department. With the guidance of Prof. Dr. Budi Darma Suharmono admitted that the journey in completing the dissertation was a pleasant journey.
Going forward Suharmono Kasiyun will publish a dissertation in book form and continue to try to develop comparative literature. According to him being the best graduate is a moral burden. Therefore it is necessary to continue to enrich knowledge and add insight. "The development of comparative literature I think is important in the future I will develop it according to what is mandated by Prof. Dr. Budi Darma to me when the exam was open " the message (Putri / syt)
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