Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–In order to prepare athletes and coaches to welcome regional, national and even international competitions, the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) together with the Indonesian Petanque Sports Federation (FOPI) East Java held a Coaching Clinic which was attended by trainers from neighboring countries, Malaysia and dozens of participants from various regions; West Java to West Sulawesi.
The coach in question is Zanilisa Bin Mohamed, a former head coach of the Petanque Malaysia sport who provided training from 11-13 July 2022 at the UNESA Postgraduate Building, Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya.
Prof. Nurhasan, M.Kes., Chancellor of UNESA gave full support for the implementation of these activities. According to him, to score achievements in the national arena, East Java athletes must be given special treatment on a regular basis. The same goes for the coaches. The pattern of coaching athletes must have a scheme that is arranged in such a way and has short, medium and long term goals.
“In the short term, what is our goal, of course, to win many local or regional competitions. From there, the potential of athletes and coaches is mapped. Then talented athletes are given special coaching, given special targets so that athletes can finally be relied on in the international arena," said Cak Hasan.
For him, local level competition is important. Aside from being a means of proving the talents of the athletes, it is also a means of habituation in conquering various challenges, understanding the atmosphere to animate petanque competitions. "The competition that will be faced will prove the quality of an athlete and his coach," he said.
Abdul Hafidz, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the chairman of the committee said the coaching clinic was aimed at forming East Java athletes to compete in future championships or olympiads. By inviting coaches from outside, UNESA and FOPI hope that the athletes can act better and be ready to compete. “Soon there will be competitions events in which the petanque will be competed. The upcoming SEA Games will include 11 petanque numbers. Therefore, extra preparation is needed, especially in East Java," he said.
He added that medal fighters deserve proper and quality training. By inviting coaches from abroad, according to him, he is able to provide sufficient provisions for athletes in preparing themselves before competing in this prestigious competition.
“A great coach is a coach who is recognized by others and includes his achievements. If the coach does not have much knowledge, then he cannot bring the athlete to the championship podium. Talented athletes and classy coaches who are supported by the right education pattern, we are optimistic that we can target many medals and achievements," he explained. [UNESA PR]
Penulis: Amalia
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
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