Unesa. ac.id, SURABAYA- Hundreds of paintings are displayed on the sides of the Art Gallery, T3 Building, Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS), Surabaya State University (UNESA) Lidah Wetan Campus, yesterday (Monday, 13 June 2022). There are paintings called nothing, agitated, rarely shaken, isolation and much more.
The series of works are the final assignments for the 2018 Fine Arts Study Program students which will be exhibited at the 2022 Art Exhibition. The UNESA Art Exhibition (Parsesa) is of course free for the public and will last until June 16, 2022.
Chief executive Jefri Putra Ardiansyah said Parsesa involved 25 students or young artists. They exhibit hundreds of interesting and unique works. Not only painting, but also photography, Styrofoam art and video art.

Parsesa carries the theme “Travesti” which is another word for parody, satire or ridicule. The students' works depart from the surrounding conditions and convey messages or criticisms in the form of parodies or satire through their works.
“Each work has meaning and philosophy and provides a satire that the artist wants to convey about the reality of life around him. Artists are required to be sensitive to social life, culture, and nature," explained Jefri.
The lecturer in the Publication of Works course, Muchlis Arif, S.Sn, M.Sn., in his speech said that the exhibition is an activity that is eagerly awaited and is a place to show the abilities of young artists. Artists must of course have works that can 'talk' directly to the public.
This activity, he continued, is not limited to a final project, but is a space to hone sensitivity and develop creativity. Of course, it is not just a work, but one that is full of meaning and has the power to break into reality.
Head of the Department of Fine Arts, Dr. Indah Chrysanti Angge, M.Sn., appreciated the exhibition studded with hundreds of works. Usually the exhibition is held outside the city as well as promotion of the department. Even though it was the first time it was held in the department, it had a good impact on students, departments and the public. "Hopefully the next generation can do the same thing if it can be even better than this," he hoped.
The parsesa was opened symbolically in the form of breaking a jug containing colorful paints on the canvas so as to produce an artistic spill of paint. The procession of breaking a jug is part of a Javanese tradition that must be preserved. A jug of colored paint depicts an idea which is then solved (realized) on canvas into an artistic color stroke.

The broken jug was witnessed by invited guests from various circles, faculties, departments, alumni and the general public. Also attended by Surabaya artists, including Joko Pramono. “The work of UNESA friends shows their high creativity. In the future, this activity will not only be held within UNESA but also outside," said Joko Pramono.
The works in the exhibition are indeed unique, one of which is a painting entitled "Rare Moment" by Syaifudin Ma'ruf. The painting displays Rafflesia arnoldii or giant lotus flowers among various other types of plants. The painter wants to present a rare moment of an increasingly threatened flower. The message, invites to protect and preserve nature.
These works fascinated visitors, one of whom was Irga, a student of the Indonesian Language and Literature Department. One of the things that interested him was the painting that was displayed next to the entrance of the first exhibition hall. The work is entitled "I'm Not Me" by Muhammad Muslim Alim.
"Aku Buka Aku" describes the phenomenon of someone who loses his identity, loses his idealism and even forgets his life purpose. "The satire of this work is striking. His work seems to invite us to reflect again about life and about ourselves,” commented Irga. (Unesa Public Relations).
Author: Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud
Editor: @zam Al'asyiah
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