Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-In facing the challenges and developments of this century, there are three things that young Indonesians must do, namely 1) hurry or move quickly, 2) geber or move together, and 3) gaspol or work on all potentials to rise up and create jobs. The 3G principle was conveyed by Dr. H. Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, B.B.A., M.B.A., Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) RI as well as Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency when opening the 2021 UNESA Career Fair on Monday (04/10/2021).
Sandiaga Uno on that occasion stated that there are around 34 million Indonesian people who depend on the tourism sector and the creative economy. Then in terms of careers, many also want to work in this sector. Data from BPS, he continued, throughout 2020 the creative economy sector experienced a significant decline, namely the number of workers from 19.2 million to 18.7 million.
Nevertheless, there are three sub-sectors that have become Indonesia's flagship, namely culinary, fashion and craft. Even the contribution of exports of creative economy products is around 15.06 billion dollars. In addition, during the pandemic, there were five sub-sectors that experienced an increase in the number of workers, namely the telecommunications, programming, information services, architecture, and library sectors. Of that amount, it is accommodated in three sub-sectors, namely applications, game developers, and architecture. "The development of the 2020-2021 creative industry is quite strong," he said.
From year to year, the creative economy progressively provides an increasing contribution to the Indonesian economy. The first place is the United States with its Hollywood, the second is Korea with its K-Pop, and the third is Indonesia with its creative economy which has an impact of around Rp. 1,100 trillion on Indonesia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). "The contribution of these 17 sub-sectors is one of the mainstays to improve the Indonesian economy going forward," he said.
In 2021, the target for the contribution of MSMEs to GDP is around 62.36 percent and will reach 65 percent in 2024. MSMEs must be paid close attention, because they are the creators of vast employment opportunities. "This UNESA Career Fair participant actually has the potential to become job creators by establishing MSMEs in the fields of culinary, fashion, craft and others," he said.
Data during the new normal, it turns out that there has been a change in the digital lifestyle of the Indonesian people. Around 88.1 percent of internet users in Indonesia already use e-commerce services. It turned out to be the highest presentation in the world. Indonesian people are not only diligent in updating status, but also diligently shopping online. Animated films and videos are experiencing rapid development in Indonesia. "Chase and build a good career, if not, maybe it's time to become an entrepreneur," he said.
He appreciated the UNESA initiative in initiating sport tourism. That's pretty good. With the existence of PON XX Papua, sport tourism has increased and the community's appreciation is significant. According to him, the role of young people, educational universities is very central in developing and improving Tourism and Creative Economy human resources. His party is currently using an entrepreneurial approach. Therefore, there will be many programs that will be collaborated between the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy and UNESA in the future. "Hopefully UNESA will continue to work actively and collaboratively in developing and utilizing the potential of our millennial generation," he hoped.
Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., Chancellor of UNESA said that to support the development of human resources and the potential of creative tourism in East Java and its surroundings, UNESA is running many programs, one of which is recreational sports which have been initiated in various regions in East Java. In fact, UNESA has strengthened this and later became part of the proposal for the National Sports System Bill when discussing it with Commission X DPR RI at UNESA recently.
Cak Hasan (as he is called) hopes that the programs run by UNESA, especially in sport tourism, can be an important part of future cooperation. In addition, it is also in the development and improvement of other sub-sector creative economic resources. "UNESA will continue to encourage the government and collaborate to continue the progress of the Indonesian economy and the welfare of the Indonesian people," he said. [UNESA PR]
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