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Unesa.ac.id & ndash; Surabaya Today (4/7) Faculty of Engineering (FT) Unesa holds an international seminar and the signing of 6 memorandum of understanding (MoU) with related institutions. The activity that took place in Building E1 3rd floor of FT Ketintang Campus took the theme of "International Seminar on Green Construction and Infrastructure & rdquo ;. In addition to being attended by leaders from related institutions the signing of the MoU and representatives from the University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) from Unesa itself was also attended by Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto M.Pd. along with other leaders lecturers and students.
The 6 MoUs signed today include Mou Unesa with the East Java Regional Police regarding the campus as a pioneer in traffic safety Unesa with Narotama University Surabaya and Surabaya Wijaya Kusuma University related to the collaboration of tri dharma tertiary institutions and improving the quality of human resources Unesa with the Association of Indonesian Consultants (Pertahkindo) related to the development of tri dharma tertiary institutions in the field of strengthening HR with Pertahkindo Unesa with the Community Indonesian Railways (Maska) related to the development of the tri dharma of tertiary institutions in the field of railway transportation and Unesa with the Indonesian Transportation Society related to the tri dharma cooperation of tertiary institutions in the field of transportation.
While related to the MoU with the Police Police Inspector General Drs. Luki Hermawan M.Sc. as the Head of the East Java Regional Police represented by AKBP M. Aldian as Deputy Director of the East Java Regional Police in his remarks conveyed that the number of accidents in the Surabaya area was still quite high even though the figure had actually decreased compared to the previous year . Therefore cooperation between communities is needed in order to achieve road safety for the entire population without exception. This has been realized in the form of cooperation between the Indonesian National Police and various elements in the community in accordance with the road safety action program which was followed by not only Indonesia but also countries outside Indonesia. In addition this is also regulated in Traffic Law number 22 of 2009 concerning road traffic and transportation article 226 which mandates that in order to create traffic safety a traffic accident prevention program needs to be prepared which in its implementation requires the participation of stakeholders community empowerment law enforcement and global partnerships. This cooperation is a form of implementation that shows that Unesa and the Indonesian National Police have a determination to realize the mandate of Law number 22 of 2009. "The Indonesian National Police is very aware that cooperation and partnerships with various elements of the nation have become a necessity in the effort to achieve the success of the task. Therefore every agreement or MoU that is successfully implemented is nothing but concrete evidence that a strong partnership has been built between the Indonesian National Police and various stakeholders in meeting the expectations of the community & rdquo; said AKBP M. Aldian.
In line with what was conveyed by AKBP M. Aldian Bambang also hoped that with this collaboration students could become the vanguard of road driving safety. Indirectly Unesa expects its students to become agents of traffic safety. "The campus is seen as an educational institution certainly it cannot be separated from this students as the most important element of the campus must be the pioneers of traffic safety" he said. he said.
In addition to international seminars and memorandum of understanding signing in this activity also held pin and helmet embedding for Unesa students as a symbol that Unesa students are ready to succeed the road safety action program. (tni/ay)
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