Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA_Character education cannot be dominated by rote, but must be colored with examples of behavior and examples. The process of character education must start from doing, feeling and understanding. This was emphasized by Yudi Latif, M.A., Ph.D., a figure as well as a national thinker in the second wave of Character Education webinar held by the Student Affairs and Alumni Division of UNESA on Friday, October 15, 2021.
What exactly is that character? "Character is easily understood as a disposition of moral personality," he said. Character is always associated with positive values and virtues. The value embedded in the character must be 'printed' in the form of everyday behavior.
The framework of these values can be from religion and what brings together each of these values within the framework of the state is Pancasila. So far, religious values and Pancasila on the one hand are still based on memorization and are discussed until foamy, but on the other hand, they are still experiencing a crisis of exemplary. The value should be printed in the form of daily behavior.
In relation to behavior, he continued, humans have two sides of self, namely the personal and the public. Personally, everyone is born with their own intelligence. Everyone needs to know themselves and understand their moral purpose. If given the intelligence in music, of course, must reflect, understand and make his shrewdness in music as a moral path or a way to realize the meaning of life.
No matter how great a person's potential is, if it is not guided by personal moral values, then that potential will not develop optimally. No matter how good and smart people are, if they are not honest, not diligent and irresponsible, their potential will not bring benefits to themselves or to others. "It is character that allows self-potential to develop," he explained.
After knowing the potential, develop themselves and find moral goals. Then the next step is to express that personal character into the social environment. Personal character must be directed and form the collective character of the group in the social environment. Collective character and morals will later become public morals and can affect personal character.
“A good person must be supported by a good environment. How can the environment be good, yes from a set of personal characters that color in it. The environment needs to be designed and colored with collective moral values,” he explained.
In shaping the character of the public requires a framework of Pancasila values. How can Pancasila be the basis of character? One of them can be through optimizing character education from an early age to college. The author of the book 'State Plenary' supports Indonesia's education roadmap. However, according to him there are still many notes of improvement.
One of the things he highlighted was the Pancasila Student Profile, which according to him was not yet comprehensive. The proposal, from a diction point of view, could be changed to a Pancasila Learner Profile with the following contents; 1) belief in the spirit of noble character, 2) love for the homeland with the spirit of semester brotherhood, 3) independent with the spirit of mutual cooperation, 4) critical-creative reasoning with the spirit of wisdom of deliberation, 5) competent with the spirit of service and justice. "Pancasila is the meeting point, the fulcrum and our goal as a nation," he said.
In the implementation of character education, there are many programs that can be carried out that lead to work experience learning or in the form of projects through certain task forces. The project is in the form of direct or indirect behavior such as the work of narrating every Pancasila value.
For example, young people can present a reason for loving Indonesia in the form of real works, either through videos, music and other forms of creativity that can inspire and foster a sense of love for the homeland for others. "The youth of our nation must be educated and colored with life behavior and works of virtue," he concluded.
For information, the Character Education Webinar is intended for students who receive KIP-K scholarships batch 2020. The speakers at the second wave of the webinar, apart from Yudi Latif, were also present;
- Fabio Nanda Adinegoro, the East Java Anti-Drug Ambassador presented the material 'Student Participation in Overcoming Drug Abuse on Campus and Society.
- RM Wiwied Widodo, S.Hut, M.Sc., Head of Regional KSDA Division II East Java KSDA Center Directorate General of KSDAE, Ministry of LHK who conveyed about 'Student Contribution through Utilization of Green Campus'.
- Dr. Heri Santoso, M.Hum., General Secretary for the Study of Pancasila and Indonesian Nationality, discussed the 'Embodiment of Pancasila Ideology among Students'.
- Wawan Wardiana, (Plt) Deputy for Education and Community Participation of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) presented material on the 'Role of Students in the Anti-Corruption Movement'.
- IPTU Hari Suprayitno, SH., MH., Sub-Directorate IV of the East Java Police Ditintelkam explained about the 'Strategies to Prevent Radicalism Among Students'.
- Priscilla Narendra Wijaya, Coordinator of the East Java PKBI Youth Program, said about 'Improving the Role of Students in Preventing Sexual Violence and Bullying'. [UNESA PR]
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