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Unesa.ac.id - Surabaya Character education training for Student Organizations (Ormawa) and Student Activity Units (UKM) after it was held. The activity which lasted for two days (30 to 31 March 2019) was held at the Marine Education Command (Kodikmar) Jl. Yani Golf No. 2 Gunungsari Surabaya. Approximately 120 students from the functional representatives of Ormawa and UKM were given material related to character education and leadership ( leadership ).
The material provided for two days was supporting material for character education and leadership such as Student Development Patterns (Polbangmawa) National Insights (Wasbang) Line-up Regulations (UN) that train discipline and action plans . Besides being given material participants were also invited to play together given religious lectures and evening devotions.
The activity was closed with a ceremony held at the Bapra Puslatpasrat Building in Kodikmar Surabaya with the ceremonial inspector Marine Commander Major Ahmad Faisal. The closing ceremony was also attended by the Vice Chancellor for Student and Alumni Affairs Dr. Agus Hariyanto M. Kes. Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law (FISH) Dr. Bambang Sigit Widodo S.Pd. M.Pd. Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni of the Faculty of Economics (FE) Dr. Moch. Khoirul Anwar S.Ag. M.EI. Supervisor of BEM U Supervisor of MPM Supervisor of UKM Unesa Head of Section (Kabag) and Head of Sub Division (Kasubbag) of Unesa Environment.
Ahmad Faisal in his speech congratulated the participants who had participated in a series of character education activities carried out by trusted trainers. In addition he also expressed his gratitude to Unesa for the trust given to carry out this activity. It is hoped that after this activity students can further strengthen their character and love for the Indonesian Nation so that the concern for millennials whose national spirit fades can be ignored.
Meanwhile Agus also said that Ormawa and UKM could be in an orderly administration. Can contribute actively in donating his achievements to his beloved institution. In the future the formation of Ormawa and UKM can produce superior seeds that can compete in the national and international arena. (sh/ay)
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